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Thuesday night eurotime diplo.

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  • Re: Atawa I suggest you stop blame me!

    Originally posted by winzity

    I can only see one reason you blame me. You don't like your situation in the game. I have give you all replies you needed to your proposals.

    Atawa you must understand that one possible diplomatic action is to not respond to a threat or unwished proposal.
    No Winz, the point I'm making that this started out as a diplothread and you just play your usual type of game without actualy getting involved in the game

    To me the main reason I wanted to play this was of the KC discussions, the rollplaying and the storythreads.
    (To me this thread is more about gamereport and diplomatic interaction then story on my end but both are fun to read )

    If one player completely ignores this part of the game then this makes the game less fun to play if he is your only neighbour in a 5-way.

    Now Germanos leaves and the game collapses, in one night this went from a develloping diplogame to just another bloodfest.

    Now this is not the type of game we started, as I said I would like to continue, but then as a diplogame.

    And what realy annoys me in all of this is that the player who has contributed the least to this game in the diplosence now HAS to end this game, and is attacking me on the fact that I prefer to end the game becouse the fun has gone out of is and basicly the tuesdaynight diplogame is screwed beyond repair.

    But here is my deal for Vetlegion if you so desperately want to finish this:

    We offer to gift all our 10 city's in the whole of Whananga together with all our tech if the Slaven join us in a crusade to rid the world of the chinese.


    • Re: Re: Atawa I suggest you stop blame me!

      Originally posted by atawa
      To me the main reason I wanted to play this was of the KC discussions, the rollplaying and the storythreads.
      (To me this thread is more about gamereport and diplomatic interaction then story on my end but both are fun to read )

      Me too. I don't really care is someone's style short or long, humoristic or epic, with pictures or Angelina Jolie or without... I simply like to read the contributions.

      I know we have all been somewhat lagging in the stories, but winzity you completely ignored the story thread.

      As DiploFAQ says, diplomacy is what keeps these games together.

      Anyway, I do not want to it seem like I am bashing you alone, I also contributed far less then I should have, even though I promised myself when we begun - one post per session as the norm.

      We offer to gift all our 10 city's in the whole of Whananga together with all our tech if the Slaven join us in a crusade to rid the world of the chinese.

      I don't see the fun in long protracted multiplayer wargame. I never played one so I might be wrong, but I do not wan't to play it anyway.

      Winzity agreed on ICQ to quit playing History of Mankind if everyone else agrees.

      I agree.

      I have prepared my closing post for the story thread too.

      We should only finish if all players consent, so Ljube, please let us know on the forum.

      Btw., depending on time and other things, I may be looking for another diplogame, same or similar time. Kengel's game seems to be a wargame, so there is some organizing to be done if there are more players interested.


      • Originally posted by atawa

        Nah, you would start fighting amongst yourselves before you captured the Maori homelands of witch I can build into a fortress that will stand untill battleships come into play

        But seriously, why would the Ethiopian nation sneak attack their friends and tradingpartners We traded often with Ethiopians and paid over 1500 gold in port tax, we also shared our knowledge around the world, knowing that the Ethipoian people also got this knowledge for free.

        If the Maori people had wanted they would have been in Fundi a while ago and would have had 50 city's with the fundi benifits of the great temple of Kula

        It would have been easy to take out Beijing while bombarding the coastline of China with vans.

        But instead the Maori chose to stay in Demo, trading and spreading knowledge over the world.
        Ah, but Maori spies killed our consul Anwar Sadat.
        I am going to post a story about that


        • And yes, we can end this game, because had this been a war game from the beginning, all of us would have played it quite differently.

          Let me just tell you atawa that I was planning to sneak attack you. A fleet of 11 frigates, 3 of which vet, were near your ports. I know that wouldn't have meant much, but if you had been assaulted by the others simultaneously, the attack just might have worked

