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Thuesday night eurotime diplo.

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  • I could repeat this indefinitely, and atawa may sometimes get less than 9 techs, but this proves 2 theories:

    1. Number of techs is dependant on the quality of the starting position.

    2. Types of techs are dependant on weather the civ is civilised or militaristic (not one single militaristic tech).


    • I'll test it too, I'll see what I get.


      • Tested a few times, only once I got just three techs. I played that time and by 1000 BC had ten nice cities including one in south america. So the position is not that bad afterall. But we will have to restart until number and type of host techs is acceptable. Monarchy is not
        Attached Files


        • Retested, got another combination of nine starting techs. Never got anything less than four (you are lucky Vet).
          I believe that it's impossible to have atawa start clean, so I suggest I host the game.
          If the others find this to be no issue, atawa can still host regardless of starting techs.

          I'm more and more convinced that it's not the quality of land but the size of starting continent that determines the number of starting techs. Or could it be the distance to other tribes?


          • It is related to land mass, yes.

            But atawa can simply start a multiplayer game at home as someone else, say chinese, with 7 AIs, save it before he moves the pieces and then load it when we start to play and pick his chosen spot, new zeeland.

            From what I know it is pretty important that host has good bandwidth so I think atawa is the best choice here. Would what I described work?


            • Another option is I load it up, save it, edit out the starting techs and load it up again.


              • Originally posted by ljcvetko
                I tried to play single in atawa's start and this is what I got 3 out of five times.
                Am I the only one who hit enter on seeing this picture?


                • In case someone is lurking, we are still looking for a sixth. Only requirement is that you are dedicated to play each tueasday.


                  • i can fill in for you today, but of course the reason I'm not playing is I won't be available next week.
                    Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                    • Some notes on the map

                      I don't want to discourage customization of the map, by all means go ahead, but I just want to explain a few things about it.

                      Everything was chosen deliberatly, including the resource seed. It was all done to be as realistic as possible, but also with a mind to gameplay. You will notice that Europe is much smaller than on the default map, or most other maps. You will also notice that the land in Europe is much nicer than everywhere else as well.

                      Europe can comfortably handle two civs because of the quality of land. In a standard game it would be inadvisable because there would be war too early, but in a diplo-game I would expect treaties to keep the peace while the continent is developed.

                      I'm not too keen on the idea of connecting Britain and Scandanavia to the continent. The channel has been a great defence mechanism for the Brits over the years, connecting it negates this benefit. Plus so much of the land is all connected in the great Europe-Asia-Africa continent, its nice to have some use for boats, ya know.

                      Of course if people are wanting to start in New Zeeland and Serbia, I didn't customize the map for those starting spots so I totally understand some tweaks to make those spots (and others) a bit nicer.

                      Also, I've always regreted not closing off the Suez and Panama canals. For some more realistic diplogaming play I'd advise you to close those off to allow for real canals (i.e. cities) to be built.

                      Another fun thing to consider from HOTW2 is how the Americas were left open to begin with. This encouraged a colonial age later in the game and made things a bit more fun.

                      Btw, now that I look at the map, New Zeeland is pretty nice as far as specials go. 3 whales, 2 fish, and pretty nice land on the islands too. That shouldn't need a change. Maybe change 88, 105 to grassland and make that the capitol spot, but it looks like a really nice spot otherwise. Deity knows all about the benefits of being isolated downunder and allowed to grow unchecked. With access to S. America the New Zeeland start is really good.

                      Finally I encourage everyone to make the best of the land that is provided. In HOTW3 I played as the Arabs with my starting spot at Medina (48,58). All my cities were in the mideast and N. Africa and I had nothing but lots and lots of desert. With some good diplomacy, good playing, and the Pyramids I was the most populous civ in the game. Don't think in terms of a standard full war duel, think in terms of diplomacy. Land quality is all negotiable in the game. There are always barganing chips to use.

                      Well thats my piece. Have fun.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Ozzie, about britain, nobody is playing as it, so the protective issue is not there. Although it wasn't neccessary to connect it, I can see that now as germanos has no trouble expanding to kamchatka before britain


                        • Makeo, I have found out we have started with only five civs. A mistake


                          • I have get great trouble! I can't play tomorrow.

                            I have no possiblity to play tomorrow because we are moving and must finish it before wednesday. I can't do more than suggest a postpone for one week. I am really sorry for it!
                            winzity ICQ 30339567
                            Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                            Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                            • How about this Thursday?

                              Yes, we can play next week, but if all of us agree, we can play this week's session on Thursday night. If one of us can't play, deity could sub.

                              I'd really like this game to keep going, but if the others are for postponement, so be it.


                              • I would prefer getting a sub if someone is unavailable.

