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Thuesday night eurotime diplo.

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  • Damn Pictures don't load.

    I guess Poly still isn't feeling to well, although at least it's not totally crippled anymore
    "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
    "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


    • You must be showing my undefended cities? Is there a better way to demonstrate I am a peace loving hippie?

      Anyway, I'll post the stories for last weak and this in the story thread as soon as I get some quality writing time. I encourage others to do so too, this is a diplogame after all

      And, is the issue with regards to save file & rules.txt resolved now? All of us have to have the rules.txt in order for game to show strings properly? That's it?

      Good session everyone, looking forward to the next.


      • Well, sort of.
        I was posting the city/unit list
        Slavs have 14 cities and 5 units
        Ethiopia: 13 cities/31 units
        Fryslan : 9 cities/27 units
        Maori : 13 cities/18 units
        Chinese 9 cities/23 units.
        The powerGraph, for what its worth, shows all of us close together

        and you are not the peace loving Hippie you claim to be, you just have a lousy army

        i agree with your request for stories

        Last week I didn't have much time, did write something, but wanted to redo some. I'll post it now regardless, I'll try to do better for this week.

        Vet: how did you get all those pictures in your post? I can only upload one at the time your post looks really cool!
        "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
        "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


        • germanos: use the upload feature and then insert them with [img] tags.

          Btw, can someone update rules.txt? I changed Mikes name


          • Re: Stories from an MP newby

            Originally posted by germanos
            Well, you learn something new everyday.

            Today I found out that my allies know all the techs I posses! Duh! I was allready wondering why people were so keen on signing alliances upon meeting them, but now I know

            We had a killer session tonight, where apparently something was rotten in the rules file. In the end, since the names of the players were screwed from session one, I ended up negotiating with the Chinese, who I though to be winzity (lightblue), but it was in fact atawa, the Maori

            Trying to keep the pace in the game, I did wonder why he needed literacy, that I thought I had gotten from him (well, I mean winzity here), but I thought: well what the heck, I want his tech anyway
            Oh God! All I can say be carefully! You don't know who you are talking to!

            I think the problem we have with changes in rules.txt is because we don't run it as a senario. I play now in a new game with the same map, and it's run as senario, and we have no problems!

            To run as a senario we need to create a sub folder in the senario folder and put saves and rules.txt there.
            I think it will work much better!
            Last edited by winzity; October 13, 2003, 11:20.
            winzity ICQ 30339567
            Please note I don't longer use the mail address
            Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


            • Winz, that's because rules.txt is read locally when it comes to titles and the names of nations and rulers.
              I'm sure we won't have any problem tomorrow, once all of us have the same rules.txt

              By the way are you planning to be regular in our Saturday game?


              • I can't play on the ordinar time tomorrow

                I have an important meeting. I am trying to find a sub, but it looks hard.
                One way is to play on another time this week, all other evenings are good for me except friday.

                If a sub will show he is told to ICQ Atawa.
                winzity ICQ 30339567
                Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                • Winz, post your save please.


                  • The save

                    Here is the save:
                    Attached Files
                    winzity ICQ 30339567
                    Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                    Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                    • Makeo will sub


                      • Prepare for the reign of mad king makeo
                        Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                        • THANKS MAKEO! I will give back

                          Great of you to help me by subbing! If you need help by subbing or something else I will be happy to help you!
                          winzity ICQ 30339567
                          Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                          Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                          • Please post the save!

                            I want to see my civ...
                            winzity ICQ 30339567
                            Please note I don't longer use the mail address
                            Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.


                            • see the History of Mankind thread

                              Can't beleive you missed that one
                              "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                              "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                              • Here is the save from our last session.

                                I know germanos posted it in another thread, but since I was the host, I think the host of the next session should download my save.

                                Atawa, what about renaming your wonder?

