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  • #31
    OK, I'll try and play my turn today. Honestly, I forgot about this PBEM in lieu of other concerns that have preoccupied me for a while. Hopefully we can get a couple turns in before this coming Thursday but thats the day I'm going in for surgery . The game will have to hold for a week or so after that. When I'm back I'll be confined to my home for a while so its free civin' from there!
    Re-elect Bush!


    • #32
      Badajoz and 1 more (forgot name) near Granada.
      Attached Files
      Re-elect Bush!


      • #33
        Well, I think I have to conceed this one. I can't take Zaragossa, and I'm losing units and cities everywhere else. I think the game is balanced, I was just outgeneraled. Congratulations, MJ!
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • #34
          Thanks Techumseh, but I disagree. It may be balanced to produce a historic result, but its not an evenly matched scenario for civ play. I believe it was weighted in my favor. The nationalist navy starts off in a better position than the republican navy. My warships could easily wreck havoc on the basque cities and have measely ground troops move in to occupy. Meanwhile, the Republican navy's only early target are the Balerics which hold no strategic interest. More important is the Spanish legion in Africa. Have you checked the stats? Those legionarios are tough mofos. Just airlift a few into key areas, such as Zaragossa, add city walls and an AA battery and the Republicans can't do much to break through. Events grants the Nationalists new legionarios every few turns so they are expendable and powerful. The Republicans have a few powerful units, but nothing that can match the legionarios in quality or quantity.
          Re-elect Bush!


          • #35
            You might be right, but I still like this game. It's perhaps the best one on the subject so far.
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #36
              Thanks Techumseh, but I disagree. It may be balanced to produce a historic result, but its not an evenly matched scenario for civ play. I believe it was weighted in my favor. The nationalist navy starts off in a better position than the republican navy. My warships could easily wreck havoc on the basque cities and have measely ground troops move in to occupy. Meanwhile, the Republican navy's only early target are the Balerics which hold no strategic interest. More important is the Spanish legion in Africa. Have you checked the stats? Those legionarios are tough mofos.
              The republican navy was supposed to move quickly to the strait of Gibraltar to stop the nationalist transports, thus isolating african army from the peninsula.

              Just airlift a few into key areas, such as Zaragossa, add city walls and an AA battery and the Republicans can't do much to break through.
              I'll talk with Pablostuka about that, I think nationalists weren't supposed to be able to airlift.
              "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
              "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
              The Spanish Civilization Site
              "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


              • #37
                I'ts virtually impossible to really blockade the army in Morocco, as the transports can reach a port in Spain in one turn from the closest embarkation ports. Transfer can be accomplished with little or no loss.
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #38
                  I'ts virtually impossible to really blockade the army in Morocco, as the transports can reach a port in Spain in one turn from the closest embarkation ports. Transfer can be accomplished with little or no loss.
                  At the beginning of the game, there are no transports in Ceuta. You should be able to reach the strait before they arrive and than make a blockade.
                  "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
                  "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
                  The Spanish Civilization Site
                  "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


                  • #39
                    No, under current circumstances he cannot complete an effective blockade. Some transports will reach spain in 2 turns without risk and right across the straight the transports can seek shelter in the cities. From farther away cities, the African legions can "island hop" which exposes the transports to the republican navy, but they are empty as the troops are safely ashore on a non coastal terrestrial square. There is little risk in this and I still have the option to airlift, which I exploited in the defense of Zaragossa.
                    Re-elect Bush!


                    • #40
                      Damn..I missed this thread....Thanks to Jasev, who told me about the existence of this PBEM!

                      First of all...let me explain a 'House Rule'. You only should airlift troops from Tetuán to Sevilla. No further. I consider cheating airlifting troops to Burgos, Zaragoza or several cities more. I let the players build airfields to repair damaged airplanes, but not to airlifting the African Army .

                      Side Note: The Airlift between Morocco and Spain was the first one of the History. Several Ju-52 from germany did the action, airlifting legionarios and Regulares into the Peninsula.

                      Ok, guys. Thanks for playing my scenario. I hope you like it. Just remember to use LazyCiv, and to take a look at the scenario guide.




                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                        Thanks Techumseh, but I disagree. It may be balanced to produce a historic result, but its not an evenly matched scenario for civ play. I believe it was weighted in my favor.
                        Yes, you're true...the Nationalists have a little advantage. But the Republicans can do several things to balance the game, like building Coastal batteries to avoid the Nationalist Navy, or to sink some Transports carying African Troops.

                        The nationalist navy starts off in a better position than the republican navy. My warships could easily wreck havoc on the basque cities and have measely ground troops move in to occupy.
                        Because there aren't good defensive units in the Basque Cities. The Bilbao industries are the best of Spain...building an Armored Car takes only 2-3 turns. A city with an armored car and coastal batteries would be able to resist any attack from the sea

                        Meanwhile, the Republican navy's only early target are the Balerics which hold no strategic interest.
                        You are wrong...if the nationalists discover Bomber reinforcements II, several Italian bombers (Savoia-Marccetti SM-79, excellent bombers) will arrive at the airfield of palma de Mallorca. And their range allow them to bomb Valencia, or Barcelona, as example

                        More important is the Spanish legion in Africa. Have you checked the stats? Those legionarios are tough mofos.
                        yeah, they are Elite the regulares.

                        Just airlift a few into key areas, such as Zaragossa, add city walls and an AA battery and the Republicans can't do much to break through

                        Please don't do it again . Only Sevilla.

                        Events grants the Nationalists new legionarios every few turns so they are expendable and powerful. The Republicans have a few powerful units, but nothing that can match the legionarios in quality or quantity.
                        That's why is so important to the Republicans to disembark in Morocco. if Morocco is lost, the nationalists are bound to lose (without the African Army wonder, ex-SunTzu)

                        I will be looking foward to this thread!


                        • #42
                          Pablostuka, if you're only supposed to airlift between Tetuan and Seville, why not remove the airports except for those 2 cities and make them unbuildable? Then you don't need the house rule.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #43
                            Ok, guys. Thanks for playing my scenario. I hope you like it.
                            Hell I enjoyed this pbem, I won through inadvertenly breaking the rules.

                            When I first downloaded the scenario, the guide wasn't available and I never checked back on it. I was unaware of any house rules and I don't think techumseh was either or he would have been screaming at me during the course of the game. Makes sense that no airlifts should reach Zaragossa.
                            Re-elect Bush!


                            • #44
                              Indeed. I had the place ringed with fighters.
                              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                              • #45
                                I didn't removed the airports in order to be places where to repair the damaged airplanes. And you should build more airfields as you are needing them (in the SCW a lot of little airfields were built near the front lines)

                                But of course, i forgot about the airlifts...

