Originally posted by Caesar the Great
never trust the AI, they have no reputation
never trust the AI, they have no reputation
After 1750AD they'll try everything to keep you at war.
First there are the enumerous treaties to contain your agression(even if you haven't ever fought 1 battle or did the smallest harrasing of any civ)
The never ending sneak attacks and tech thefts
and this afternoon I saw something that really looked sureal:
I'm at war with the Carths and the Aztecs. I sign a Cease fire with the Aztecs(more is impossible because I haven't yet build UN) and a few turns later after conquering some Carth cities and killing a lot of their units I get a diplomatic meeting:
"C: We are fighting a mutual enemy: "the Aztecs" and are winning(but I bet they haven't met them the last 25turns) ,declare war at the Aztecs at once."

