How often do you actually finish a game completely? I'm finding more often than not that I'm unsatisfied with something about mid way thru my game and decide not to finish. For example, I'm finding maintaining more than 6-8 cities tedious - it gets old real damn fast. I'll set out to only build six but get suckered into building more when some nice land pokes its head out. "Wow, a great spot. I'll only build one more..." Of course, that turns into building another and another and before I know it I have 20 cities, all demanding my attention. It slows the game down incredibly.
I'm a perfectionist by nature so I suppose I should limit myself to a certain number of cities and stick to it. How many cities do you usually build? Hell, it must take the ICS guys a week to finsh one game. I don't have that much patience.
I think OCC has proven that the number of cities doesn't matter so what's the motivation to building a ton of cities? Isn't shooting ahead in tech and producing superior units what it's all about? I mean, if I can race to Democracy, build the SoL, and switch to Commie or Fundie and flood the enemy with a superior unit, isn't that just as good as doing it with 20-50 cities, just taking less time? The fact is, the more cities you have the less time those cities will be spending on infrastructure and caravans. Instead of producing the settlers to expand, you could be making caravans while allowing your cities to grow.
Speaking of caravans... when everyone talks about making a million caravans, are you forming trade routes right away? And with whom? your SSC? Do you keep re-forming the routes to get the initial bonus or are you using most of them for WOW construction? Early in the game, the bonus for forming a route is pathetic considering the effort it takes.
I've found that going for an early republic with the happy wonders and a small number of cities gets me ahead in science farther, faster. Six to eight seems to be about the right number of cities when I'm ready to switch governments. Any more and I'll have to delay the change because of support issues. Having a nice defender and one settler supported by each city, switching to Republic, and envolking WLT*D, racing all your cities to 8 is damn nice. Science'll go thru the roof - straight to SoL. Personal preference can take over after that... either shoot for a certain unit and switch to Fundie or "AC, here we come."
All comments are greatly appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Hawkx9 (edited June 13, 2000).]
I'm a perfectionist by nature so I suppose I should limit myself to a certain number of cities and stick to it. How many cities do you usually build? Hell, it must take the ICS guys a week to finsh one game. I don't have that much patience.

Speaking of caravans... when everyone talks about making a million caravans, are you forming trade routes right away? And with whom? your SSC? Do you keep re-forming the routes to get the initial bonus or are you using most of them for WOW construction? Early in the game, the bonus for forming a route is pathetic considering the effort it takes.
I've found that going for an early republic with the happy wonders and a small number of cities gets me ahead in science farther, faster. Six to eight seems to be about the right number of cities when I'm ready to switch governments. Any more and I'll have to delay the change because of support issues. Having a nice defender and one settler supported by each city, switching to Republic, and envolking WLT*D, racing all your cities to 8 is damn nice. Science'll go thru the roof - straight to SoL. Personal preference can take over after that... either shoot for a certain unit and switch to Fundie or "AC, here we come."
All comments are greatly appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Hawkx9 (edited June 13, 2000).]