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The Mad 2.42 Succession Game

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  • Barb Alert!

    Messer Niccolò look at the game closely before you play. Julius has left you a nice little time bomb in the shape of two barb horsemen on the doorstep of Persepolis! I know the Swiss are always neutral but this is taking things to extreme.

    The barbs will almost certainly kill both defenders - and with no walls - this means a double population reduction. One archer in the city will kill the adjacent unit, and you could try moving the other archer out to block the remaining one. This unit will be killed, (next turn the crusader now building will exact revenge) but it saves any population loss.


    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • Quick log, really quick:
      AD 200-220 MN II discovers the secret of University and the chief conehead (happy because of the new science budget [70%]) chatters of a new science called “Invention”. Mr. Da Vinci starts to talk about a new Workshop... intriguing . (someone reports the King to rule on 900,000 souls)

      AD 240-260 Celts start to build King Richard Crusade... funny, really funny... a crusade...

      AD 300 Big party in ScouseHolme, all the “bigs” invited, wow they take gifts: Hammurabi “the Green One” (100$), Isabel (200$), and our purple not so friendly friends (250$ they become Icy... I don’t know why). Our allies ask us to declare war on Vikings (wherever they are), to support the decision they forget 150$ on the floor...
      King MN II “The NothingMaker” flips a coin and... cross: we declare war on the Vikings.
      Oh, in Sarzana we start to build our King Richard Crusade...

      AD 320 Invention discovered. Immediately Mr. Leonardo shows us that our army is quite ridicoulous... he whispers the magic words: Powder and Musketters.
      King MN II stopping to eat his WhaleSteak meal orders “Let the Workshop be built. And please Mr. Leo, give a different colour to our horrible uniforms... maybe a bright yellow?”

      AD 340-400: Vikings finally discovered. “Consequences? Schmonsequences!” ... they will learn soon the power of the Powder!"

      MN II retires smoking cigars and writing his memories... a 3 pages bestseller “How to become King doing nothing all day long”. The editor, Mr. STYOM, gets the royalties and with the earnings purchases the votes of the Council and is elected King...
      googol... this is a number!
      "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
      "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


      • Scouse Archers.
        Oh, I've almost forget. The King built a statue for the Perseolis Archers (awarded pf a Medal of Honour) for defeating two barbarian horsemen.
        (we lost a trireme from a "popping" barb trireme... but we bribed the Legion inside...
        googol... this is a number!
        "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
        "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


        • SAVEGAME

          And here is the save!
          I admit to have played in a real hurry... but I'm really "shorting" my time (and I don't have futures for hedging! )
          Attached Files
          googol... this is a number!
          "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
          "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


          • Originally posted by Mercatia
            Ok no temples, libraries, or Laundrettes...but can we build day spas? I really need a massage!!

            Nothing wrong with laundrettes - just buy them on turn two don't let them build for three millenia

            Originally posted by Mercatia
            Finally don't ever shut up I can't learn without help this is a complicated game.

            You may come to regret this ...

            Originally posted by Mercatia
            Ooops the other question why was the Vet Phalanx Sleeping... I read in another thread recently that if you sleep one unit per city if an enemy strollls up to the city that will alert you and beings that Upbabsnose is well UP BABS NOSE. I wanted to be alerted when his slimy green men wandered into our city. Was that a bad thing?

            Nope - in general good advice, but not the primary defender when there are no city walls - the vet Phalanx defends at 3, fortified 4.5 - the best attacker that we think the Babs have attacks at 3 - it will lose to our fortified vet Phalanx, but might beat it unfortified. the sleeping (or sentry) command can be quite useful in this fashion - but clear points of danger such as UpBabsNose should be inspected each turn in any case.

            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • Originally posted by Messer Niccolò
              Scouse Archers.
              Oh, I've almost forget. The King built a statue for the Perseolis Archers (awarded pf a Medal of Honour) for defeating two barbarian horsemen.
              (we lost a trireme from a "popping" barb trireme... but we bribed the Legion inside...
              Thanks, Messer Nicolo. Did the Gits forget about William Tell
              Besides, I think one of the Archer was a vet and on the turn the barbarians appearead, I rushbuild the crusader (using the warrior/phalanx/archer steps to save money).

              What I maybe did wrong, and "swissly" wrong is that I forgot to ask tributes to our AI friends. That's real neutrality
              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


              • Julius,
                absolutely no problem... International Tax Agreements are my job .
                Who's next?
                I think we will have a fairly powerful Army once Leo's Workshop will be finished (and also our x triremes - at this moment - rules the seas) one or two diplos, so the next (two?) players could be able to show to the Green One Hammurabi what do we mean when we say: "Schmonsequences"...

                I think it's better to remind everybody that SG[1] is THE Crook&Clads Strategy Master (... I should have his "Crusader & IronClads Strategy: easy win at Deity" guide around here... ) and it could be clever not to upset him discovering MAGNETISM...

                And last but not least... I agree with Julius, I'm not a warmonger, AC landing, even if the events could lead to a different path to victory.
                googol... this is a number!
                "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
                "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


                • For our next rulers:
                  in the northern sea there is a trireme loaded with a Spice caravan (demanded) which should head for ScouseHolm.
                  googol... this is a number!
                  "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
                  "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


                  • Nice going with those archers Messer Niccolò. Before you really upset SG[1] by researching Magnetism...tell us why you were building a temple in a size 2 city when we have the Gardens and Mike's

                    I don't mind which way we win...but we need a strong economy whether we conquer or fly spaceships.


                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • Originally posted by Messer Niccolò
                      Who's next?
                      I am...

                      (stuck at work, but will hopefully be able to d/l and play tonight).

                      "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                      "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                      "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                      • Magnetism
                        Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                        Nice going with those archers Messer Niccolò. Before you really upset SG[1] by researching Magnetism...tell us why you were building a temple in a size 2 city when we have the Gardens and Mike's

                        Bloody laundrettes - I warned you

                        I guess it's nearly time for the compariative study of Temples v Marketplaces as Happiness improvements

                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                          ...tell us why you were building a temple in a size 2 city when we have the Gardens and Mike's

                          err... ... err... well, really in a hurry... ehmmm... well my mother said that... mmmh... once I read that...

                          really I don't remember, I started to build a marketplace switching to temple for a rushbuy...??? really I don't remember.
                          But I'm proud of my Persepolis Archers
                          googol... this is a number!
                          "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
                          "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


                          • STYOM, fresh from putting the paper to bed, resumes command of the Em-pahhh.

                            Looks like a pitched battle between the ICSers and the perfectionists, now... everyone does realize what Leo's will do to those vet Crusaders (and eventually, vet 'clads)?

                            Production of Temple (booooooo!) changed to Crusaders in RMIUD (1 shield lost).

                            No wonders for the AI? I should play Deity more, had I but known wonder races were so one-sided.

                            Grow ScouseHolme... I mean, really... 0 food surplus?
                            Eliminate useless Mongols... keep wealthy Babylonians "in being" so long as they cough up cash...
                            More Cities!

                            400 AD:

                            50 Gold from our good friends, the Celts.
                            Babylonians withdraw when asked for cash.
                            150 Gold from the Spanish, our wannabe friends.
                            Request for gold from the Mongols provokes war.

                            Due to War with Mongols, Caravan production in Persepolis changed to Crusaders. STYOM plans a city at 67,55 to allow us sea access to the Mongols...

                            420: Straybow collects Silk for Caravan, starts Diplomat.
                            100 Gold from our Celtic friends.
                            Peace with Vikings.

                            City Walls incrementally rushed in UpBabsNose. University incrementally rushed in ScouseHolme.

                            440: UpBabsnose now has Walls, starts Diplomat. ScouseHolme finishes University, starts Caravan.

                            50 Gold from the Spanish. STYOM thinks we may lose our 'Most Excellent' reputation soon, if the Babylonians don't start being more respectful.

                            Straybow Silk is headed for Celtic lands.
                            HomebytheSea founded and starts Warrior.

                            Celts claim to have captured Hladir from the Vikings.

                            460: Barracks sold (Gunpowder). To avoid more lost ships, like the one wandering up near Mongol lands, we start to learn Navigation.

                            50 Gold from Celts + War with Vikings.

                            480: Settlers in Utica, starts Caravan. Warriors in SKJ, starts Barracks.

                            Barbarian Elephants near Persepolis! (note: cover spawning point).

                            500: Copper Caravan in Mercatia; starts Diplomat.

                            Crusaders rushed in Persepolis.
                            Babylonians withdraw + 100 gold.

                            Vikings retake Hladir from Celts, plus Mathematics.

                            520: Mongol Horsemen appear and kill our Crusaders

                            50 Gold from Spanish.
                            An Archers unit falls valiantly against the Barbarians, but the other Visigoths are routed + king (150 gold). Barracks started in Persepolis.

                            SKJ changes production to Diplomat. Diplomat in Straybow, starts Diplomat.

                            HomebytheSea builds Warriors, starts Settlers.

                            Sarzana will finish Leo's next turn, with an infusion of 130 Gold.

                            Babylonians withdraw +50 gold.

                            540: Spanish build KRC; Celts switch to Pyramids!

                            Leonardo's Workshop completed amid general rejoicing in Sarzana. Leonardo's elves immediately busy themselves training our men with muskets.

                            Babylonians withdraw +25. Diplomat rushed in UpBabsNose.
                            50 Gold from worshipful Celts. Ahh, it's nice to be loved.

                            Persepolis now producing Diplomat. We'll buy the Mongols first city as a base, thinks STYOM.

                            560: Trireme traversing Great Canal!

                            Babs withdraw +25 gold. STYOM considers bribing Ur (size 5) but not for 827 gold, he won't!

                            580: Mongols kill our Musketeer near Karakorum

                            Navigation discovered; researching Theory of Gravity.

                            ScouseHolme builds Wool Caravan (to SadKingJulius?) and starts another Caravan.

                            Our Crusaders kill a Mongol Elephant near Persepolis, and are crowned Veterans.

                            Babs withdraw +25gold
                            50 Gold from Spanish.

                            Our Musketeer beseiges Karakorum and becomes Veteran.

                            600: Caravan in SilkyFish (Copper); starts Caravan.

                            No more money from Babs... so... we attack a Phalanx parked outside UpBabsNose (starting a war) and incite a revolt in Nineveh for 516 gold. Musketeer incrementally rushed. We refuse accept offered peace, and Babs withdraw...

                            During May Day festivities, Nineveh is rechristened PaxSTYOMnia.

                            STYOM coughs suddenly in Court, and this is interpreted as a sign of weakness STYOM steps down so that a new king might amend his errors.

                            * Well... not much was accomplished Some things to notice: the Caravel near Tintagel is pursuing a barb King to the south; silks Caravan is 2 squares from Kells (demanded); I am working a Dip/Musket combo towards Kashgar through the woods; I was planning on founding a city east of Persepolis accessing Whale, to cover Barbarian spawn point. Also, I was trying to irrigate ScouseHolme - once that is done, Settlers might be added to PanamaHatt or use to found a Wine/Fish city east of Mercatia...

                            (also - forgot to rush barracks in StickyMouse)
                            Attached Files
                            "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                            "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                            "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                            • Good turn STYOM ...

                              [old fart mode]

                              Damn misguided Scientists !
                              Damn Leonardo !
                              Damn Gunpowder

                              Who wants defence when we could have had SteamEngine by now!!!!!!!!!!

                              Damn Perfectionists
                              [/old fart mode]

                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                                Good turn STYOM ...

                                [old fart mode]

                                Damn misguided Scientists !
                                Damn Leonardo !
                                Damn Gunpowder

                                Who wants defence when we could have had SteamEngine by now!!!!!!!!!!

                                Damn Perfectionists
                                [/old fart mode]

                                Am I missing something? (could anybody explain me what's going on?)
                                googol... this is a number!
                                "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
                                "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming

