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MGE, ToT, and Hi-res graphics

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  • MGE, ToT, and Hi-res graphics

    I just recently purchased Civ MGE and picked up a copy of ToT as well. Is there a) any problem using Tim Smith's supercool hi-res graphics with MGE, b) any problem having both MGE and ToT on my hard drive (i.e. does ToT 'seek out' and overwrite earlier Civs?) I got ToT for 20 bucks and have been eager to try the extended, sci-fi and fantasy games, but I want to keep the 'classic' Civ2 (MGE) around as well. Fellow Civvers, please give me some info/advice.

  • #2
    Good news on (b.)...

    Traditional Civ2 installs to the folder 'C:\Mps\Civ2' whereas ToT installs to 'C:\Program Files\Microprose\Test of Time' - so there will be no conflict between the two versions. Only a slight word of warning - I don't own MPGold Edn - only up to Fantastic Worlds, but I believe MPGE goes to the same folder as FW.


    • #3
      Hey ajbera -

      Glad you like my graphics! There is no problem using them with MGE. In fact, the UNITS.GIF file is formatted to work with MGE. There is a separate file (UNITSOLD.GIF) for use with the original Civ2 (the only difference is the placement of the Barbarian Leader). Version two will be out in about two weeks - it's a MAJOR improvement, I think you will like it!

      Best wishes,
      - Tim Smith
      Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2


      • #4
        Thank you both for your prompt responses.
        Cam, I'll probably delete the old Civ2 and just do a fresh install of MGE (backing up downloaded scenarios and modpacks, of course), so there shouldn't be any conflicts there. One question though (if anyone knows the answer); does the Mod-manager utility work with MGE? I haven't utilized it yet, but there are a few mods I'd like to try.
        Tim, you're welcome, and thanks (again) for creating the hi-res graphics in the first place. They look stunning and have revitalized my interest in 'classic' (non-scenario) Civ games. Any chance of doing something similar with ToT graphics?
        Once more, my thanks to both of you.


        • #5
          I have 2.42, mge, and tot all on the same pc. No problem. I keep 2.42 for any games I might want to send to others since it is upward compatible. I also used to keep FW, but it seems pointless since MGE includes FW.

