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CIV2 on NT

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  • CIV2 on NT

    I'm a newbie to the group, but a regular CIV2 Mac player. I'd like to buy CIV2 PC and install it on my company PC (yeah, they'll let me...), but it runs NT4. Will CIV2 run on an NT box?


  • #2
    I believe as long as the latest service pack is installed it will run. Mine runs fine on Win 2000
    Cedric's Civilization 2 Page, Home of the FW, MGE, and ToT Patches


    • #3
      At my night job, I have Civ II on my NT. SSHHHHH! Nobody knows! Friday's my last day here anyway. It runs fine on the whole, but it does seems to crash a lot, so save often.


      • #4
        I've run Civ II MPG on NT, also at work, and it periodically freezes up for a few seconds before resuming gameplay. This is a bit annoying, but bearable.

        I tried to install the original Civ II version from '96 at first, and this would not run at all, so I recommend using the multiplayer version.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ostrander-bellepoint
          I tried to install the original Civ II version from '96 at first, and this would not run at all, so I recommend using the multiplayer version.
          I run 2.42, but as I said it is a rare day indeed when it does not crash at least once while playing. It seems to be related to scrolling through the city windows alphabeticaly. If I avoid this time saver it crashes less. Saving often is a good idea, anyway.
          Last edited by Jacobite1688; August 29, 2001, 19:06.

