Hi everybody. Here’s the cheat that I’ve just discovered, or at least that I had never heard anybody talk about. It’s so bad I wonder if all the others have not had their tongue cut before they could speak. Or maybe it only works with my computer (W95/MGE).
Anyway, here it is. When you are in the middle of a turn, save the game, load another one, and load again the first one. You press end of turn, your cities produce and your still in the same year. And you can repeat the process. The only units that move are the one that have just been created during the turn; but population grows, science beakers deliver and income comes in the coffer. OCC size 1 on the polar cap in 4000 BC !!!!!!!
But it is a HUGE cheat ! Does anyone else knew of it, does it work for anyone else. It certainly doesn’t work for MP but in SP ...
Do I need to precise that I discovered it accidently and that I swear never to use it ?
Anyway, here it is. When you are in the middle of a turn, save the game, load another one, and load again the first one. You press end of turn, your cities produce and your still in the same year. And you can repeat the process. The only units that move are the one that have just been created during the turn; but population grows, science beakers deliver and income comes in the coffer. OCC size 1 on the polar cap in 4000 BC !!!!!!!
But it is a HUGE cheat ! Does anyone else knew of it, does it work for anyone else. It certainly doesn’t work for MP but in SP ...
Do I need to precise that I discovered it accidently and that I swear never to use it ?
