I just played the 2019 challenge. (Can't attack the ai's till 2019 and you have to get the AI's before 2020.) I decided to do something even funnier. I got all the AI cities connected by RR, mostly because I gave them rr in 1300, but also because I had some engineers help the slower ones. By 2019 I amassed a huge # of spies. Then, I struck!!! First I had spies go suitcase nuke every city, including one that was on an island. (I had 8 spies there on a ship, to make sure I got it, and I had about 4 spies for every ai city just to make sure I got them.) Then I disbanded every unit I had, except for 1 mech infantry, 3 transports, 1 diplo I had been saving for hundreds of years, and 1 spy. Then I brought the spy, the diplo and the mech inf. along the railroads, bribing every partisan in my way and then disbanding them once I got them. I conquered everything but the last island city, which I ship-chained the diplo to. I disbanded the spy, the ships and the mech inf, making the diplo the only unit left in the world. Then I bribed the last city, and since diplos disappear when they bribe a city, there were no units left in the world!! I ROTFLMAO after that, because not only were there no units left, I also conquered every city but one with the same unit.
Edit: And it was funny that 1 unit conquered the whole continent in one turn.
[This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited May 06, 2001).]

Edit: And it was funny that 1 unit conquered the whole continent in one turn.

[This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited May 06, 2001).]