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The system of advances in Civ2

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  • The system of advances in Civ2

    Content: This post is related to the way how Civ2 determines selection of advances offered for next research ("What discovery shall our wise men pursue?"), and some more questions about advances. It includes a link to a program that helps to plan science research.

    Problem 1
    This problem is discussed at another thread yet: oedo´s unfinished . The formula described lower is known as Oedo's law.
    I think that problem is solved.

    I was not able to find out how Civ2 specify set of advances allowed for next research on any Civ-oriented web pages. There are some opinions that two advances from the same category (military, economic...) can't follow one another, but I think it is false. I thought about it, and perhaps I found out how it is done:

    If difficulty level is Chieftain then following statement is true:
    (1) Advance ADV is in selection even as 
    <NotYet(ADV)> and <TreeOK(ADV)>

    If difficulty level is not Chieftain then following statement is true:
    (2) Advance ADV is in selection even as 
    <NotYet(ADV)> and <TreeOK(ADV)> and (not <CaughtByFilter(ADV)> or <First(ADV)>)

    = ADV was not discovered yet
    = both prerequisites (preq1 and preq2) were discovered (or taken any other way) yet
    = <Ord(ADV)> = (<NumberOfAdvances> mod 3) + 1
    = modulo (1 mod 3 = 1, 2 mod 3 = 2, 3 mod 3 = 0, 
    4 mod 3 = 1, 5 mod 3 = 2, 6 mod 3 = 0, 11 mod 3 = 2,)
    = Number of advances you acquired yet 
    (by research, diplomacy, conquest (I did note prove this), goody hut). 
    Advances obtained just on the beginning of the game are not included.
    = Placings (number of row) of ADV in rules.txt 
    (Ord(AFl)=0, Ord(Alp)=1, Ord(Amp)=2... 
    = Ord(ADV) is minimum of a set 
    {Ord(X) | NotYet(X) and (TreeOK(X))} 
    In short, ADV is the first on a list of advances that have both preq1 and preq2 yet.

      [*] It means that on average approximately one third of advances are disabled for each choice of research: The set of all advances in the game is divided into three disjunctive subsets. These subsets are rotatively disabled for each choice of research. In short, they represent three filters.[*] One advance is enabled regardless on placement to the subset.[*] The set of advances provided for next research does not depend on the order how you acquired existing advances.[*] Advances obtained just on the beginning of the game affect nothing.[/list=a]

      ???       Could you tell me if I am right?

      I made a simple DOS program based on my formula, it may be helpfull to plan scientific research ahead. Download:

      Problem 2
      Does anybody know how Civ2 sets number of beakers for next advance (exact formula is preferable)?
      Problem 3
      What means white and blue colors of advances on the Science Advisor window (F6)?
      Problem 4
      Is it possible I will obtain an advance from a goody hut although I have not both prerequisites yet?
      Problem 5
      In a singleplayer mode of my Civ 2 (Mge) version, I can determine my offer to my computer opponent after "Do you care to exchange knowledge" dialog (I can offer an alternative advance).Contrariwise, I can choose ANY advance from computer's pick list. So, I have an advantage. Is it normal?


      (If you will alert me to my bad english expressions I will be thankful.)
      [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited January 31, 2001).]
    Last edited by SlowThinker; April 19, 2003, 16:33.
    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment

  • #2
    I'm not up on the latest theories for 1 and 2, therefore I will let someone else answer thoses.

    Item 3. When looking at F6 (your advances) white means that you were the first to discover that advance. Blue is the default(normal) color. When looking at an opponent's advances (F3, check Intelligence) the white are those that You do not have and can trade for or steal. Blue is the normal color again.

    Item 4. Yes you can get advances from huts without the prerequisits. Just like you can steal them without having the required techs.



    • #3
      KEN - your comment on Item 4 above is wrong.

      You MUST have the prerequisites for any science obtained from a hut.

      Think about it! If you didn't need the prerequisites you would have stupid situations. If at 4000BC you pop a hut and get Invention ... no more science from villages. The game designers don't want your first wonder to be Leo's either!


      SG (2)
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #4
        To answer your second question: the number of beakers is based on how many advances you have already discovered (not including free techs at game start), difficulty level and how far you are ahead of (or behind) the AI. I don't have a formula for it and I don't know if one exists.


        • #5

          Maybe I just haven't paid enough attention, but I'm sure that I've gotten things like Currency and Map Making without having Bronze or Alphabet. I don't normally find things like Philosophy, Monarchy or Literacy in hut anyway.



          • #6
            Sorry - my experience is the same as Ken's (n.b. I use Fantastic Worlds vers.) - I've certainly got advances in huts without having the prerequisites.


            • #7
              I seldom play version 2.78, so I ran a few hut tests. As far as I tell it behaves the same as 2.42 and MPGE.

              A game on a Large World was tested playing Romans/Hordes/Deity. Starting techs were Masonry and Bronze. Both settlers opened huts on the same turn during 3800BC. In all 20 Scrolls were recorded - none had different prerequisites from science already discovered. One turn both settlers found wisdom. The first one was Currency, but the second was Construction - this seemed to emphasise my point that once Currency was in F6 Construction was possible.

              The techs gained were:
              Pottery (8)
              Warrior Code (4)
              Alphabet (3)
              Currency (2)
              Horseback Riding (1)
              Ceremonial Burial (1)
              Construction (1)

              During the research on starting techs we did a fair bit of research (still ongoing!) into huts in 2.42. Checking through those records I cannot see any time when a hut yielded science without the prerequisites already in place.

              If your game is not heading for Democracy quickly (thus needing Invention) many quite advanced techs are available from huts. (University/Theory of Gravity/Chemistry/Medicine/Sanitation - amongst others.)


              SG (2)
              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #8

                Originally posted by SlowThinker on 12-16-2000 03:18 PM
                Content: This post is related to the way how Civ2 determines selection of advances offered for next research ...
                ... [/b]Could you tell me if I am right?

                Oedo posted exactly the same formula on the Strategy forum just a few weeks ago ("Oedo's unfinisehd"). There seem to be a few glitches though, especially with Warrior Code, but perhaps we should call that a Myth .

                If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                [This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited December 17, 2000).]
                A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                • #9
                  I finished my program (it may help to plan science research).
                  Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Ribannah on 12-17-2000 07:45 PM
                    There seem to be a few glitches though, especially with Warrior Code, but perhaps we should call that a Myth .

                    I have read Oedo's thread, but i didnt understand a result of their discussion. (I think they all died one week ago.)
                    Is "Oedo's law" correct in all situations or not? Do you know any resistant science-thread (for exxample with Warrior Code)?

                    [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited December 18, 2000).]
                    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                    • #11
                      re: your second problem - beakers.
                      I think I saw this being discussed in a thread on OCC games in the strategy forum. The short story is they are not sure how this works.

                      re: your english.
                      Don't worry about it. First of all, it is about 97.5% correct. Second, I am sure that your English is much better than any of our Czech will ever be.

                      'I want to be hand counted and checked for dimples.'
                      Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                      • #12
                        Problem 2, I'm pretty sure that if you get no tech by means other than research it starts 10 beakers, 20 beakers, 30 beakers and then the arithmetic progression takes on a bit more of a geometric aspect. But that is almost wholly based on feel, not calculation.

                        I suspect that the practical benefit of knowing what the underlying beaker rate is would be small. OCC experience has taught us how critical the adjustment made for the tech lead over the AI is. That knowledge both demonstrates how complex the formula will be and reduces the value of what detailed calculation would reveal.

                        Problem 5, I play 2.42 and IIRC what you describe matches my experience.

                        Early on the AI will often accept a different tech from the one sought and some techs are highly prized by some civs throughout. But, generally, once I am well ahead, they are keen to trade for my most recent advance - especially critical ones like gunpowder or advances which allow wonders to be built. If you offer them something else they turn their noses up. If you are not far into the dialogue though (and they are not being abrupt with you because of your dominance) you can often repeat the offer to trade and the original deal will still be on offer.

                        Curiously advances which allow WoW don't seem to lose their appeal just because the wonder has been built.

                        If you are researching a critical tech, want to trade, but don't want to give that advance away it may pay to embark on a round of diplomacy just before the advance comes in.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by East Street Trader on 12-19-2000 06:30 AM
                          Problem 2, I'm pretty sure that if you get no tech by means other than research it starts 10 beakers, 20 beakers, 30 beakers and then the arithmetic progression takes on a bit more of a geometric aspect.

                          I noticed that in the beginning of the game ](I never continue playing further , you now, I slowly start to think about the system of the game everytime. I prefere thinking over playing ) beakers grow up arithmeticaly with some "jumps". One of these jumps is between 5th and 6th advance, so it is very recommended not to risk any goody huts before the monarchy.

                          I suspect that the practical benefit of knowing what the underlying beaker rate is would be small.

                          If there are "jumps" through all game, it would be very usefull to know were jumps are. But, I am probably too radical micromanager and perfectionist...

                          Problem 5: Thank you for detailed answer. I was surprised i got an advantage over the computer. Can I pick from the list of computer's technologies at end stages of the game too?
                          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by skrobism on 12-19-2000 01:04 AM
                            re: your english.
                            Don't worry about it. First of all, it is about 97.5% correct. Second, I am sure that your English is much better than any of our Czech will ever be.

                            Firstly, I wanted to look modest.
                            Secondly, it would improve my english, if anybody would point to some big mistake.
                            I dont want to tell you you should start to analyze my posts and mail blunders in english to me
                            Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                            • #15
                              Ken, are you sure about Problem 3? I was hoping the white advances on my science advisor screen were those that some other civs did not have and consquently, it was alerting me to trade possibilities. I guess I just assume that white advances on my screen sometimes turned blue later on.

                              Slow, you are too modest. Your English is very good. Not perfect, mind you, but very good. Just be aware that not all of those who offer tips to you (me included) speak and write in perfect English themselves.

                              * Note to Apolyton - Any chance of getting a spell checker on the forums? *

                              Frodo lives!
                              Frodo lives!

