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  • Ics?!?

    I know that ICS stands for Infinte City Sleaze (or Strategy by some), but I don't understand what this means. Can someone help me out?


  • #2
    Win through quantity rather than quality.
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • #3
      Put briefly, you focus firmly on building settlers and military units. Each settler built promptly looks for a place to found a city. It doesn't need much space because the intention is to keep it at size two. The military units will either maintain martial law or get assimilated into armies which embark upon wars of conquest.

      What the Sleazer/Sprawler/Strategist doesn't do is build city improvements.

      What this strategy does is to take out most of the happiness and corruption problems which growth usually entails.

      If you fancy trying it, visit the thread kept at the top of the Strategy forum named the Great Library and look for DaveV's masterly exposition on how to do it. Then get a good armchair, slippers and a pipe, and sprawl away to your hearts content.

