3 turns in I got a very bad message.The Chinese were about to complete Cope's.We didn't have Astronomy.Now we have a challenge.All hope is not lost.Our side of the world seems to be lagging behind.We still were not able to contact others.The Indians have been located but getting to them is a problem with a trireme.I bribed an explorer from Egypt.Hopefully this will help.Cept our trireme now has 3 units to deal with trying to island hop.
We are now size 12.Built Shakes,a bank,university and harbor.We need Sanitation and best get after Gravity after that I think.
Egypt just picked up Navigation Mr Successor.
500ad-Disband 1 warrior.
Set taxes to induce “we love” days
trade Egypt for Banking,which we just happen to be researching.Share maps and sign an alliance(2 tech gift).We receive 125 gold as a gift.
Share maps with Romans
520-caravan-”we love” begins
540-hut-non legion
A disturbing moment in the game.The Chinese are about to finish Cope’s.This is not good.We don’t even have Astronomy.This will be challenging
560-aquaduct-disband warrior
580-Beijing builds Cope’s.
620-Astronomy-too late
end “we love” size 12
disband warrior
sell colliseum
share maps with Egypt
700-sell temple
740-Egypt gifts Polytheism
780-build bank
bribe Egyptian explorer-127-NON
880-build university
900-barb leader 150
hut-The Wheel-We were researching it-luck turning?
980-cloth caravan
1000-Engineering-select Sanitation
[This message has been edited by Smash (edited March 17, 2001).]
We are now size 12.Built Shakes,a bank,university and harbor.We need Sanitation and best get after Gravity after that I think.
Egypt just picked up Navigation Mr Successor.
500ad-Disband 1 warrior.
Set taxes to induce “we love” days
trade Egypt for Banking,which we just happen to be researching.Share maps and sign an alliance(2 tech gift).We receive 125 gold as a gift.
Share maps with Romans
520-caravan-”we love” begins
540-hut-non legion
A disturbing moment in the game.The Chinese are about to finish Cope’s.This is not good.We don’t even have Astronomy.This will be challenging
560-aquaduct-disband warrior
580-Beijing builds Cope’s.
620-Astronomy-too late
end “we love” size 12
disband warrior
sell colliseum
share maps with Egypt
700-sell temple
740-Egypt gifts Polytheism
780-build bank
bribe Egyptian explorer-127-NON
880-build university
900-barb leader 150
hut-The Wheel-We were researching it-luck turning?
980-cloth caravan
1000-Engineering-select Sanitation
[This message has been edited by Smash (edited March 17, 2001).]