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Wanted: players for new OCC succession games

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  • #61

    Originally posted by Roman on 03-10-2001 02:37 PM
    Up to SG(2) now. Unfortunately I don't have his e-mail, so I sent the save to Ribannah and asked her to mail it to him. Tks.

    Game forwarded to SG[2] =

    If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


    • #62
      Eh guys, you're playing it so fast, you made me feel guilty for taking some time !
      Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


      • #63
        Thanks Rib & Roman - I have the game.

        I assume we are playing around 20 turns each?


        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #64

          Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-10-2001 08:03 PM
          Thanks Rib & Roman - I have the game.

          I assume we are playing around 20 turns each?



          SG(2) you are expected to play to 1000 AD (25 turns).
          After that I don't know - Paul didn't continue the schedule at that point in the obvious expectation that we will have reached AC by then ...

          If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
          A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
          Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


          • #65
            520 - Status Report ...we are Republic and size 5. Copernicus is half built and researching Theory of Gravity @ 18 turns. OK to work ...time to see some happy people. Settler sent south.
            540 - Newsflash The Indians have nearly completed their great project "Copernicus". Well guys and girls - we have 44g in the bank and a Legion + Diplo in Carthage and no caravans. Cost of Copernicus is 504g. Houston ... "We have a problem!" Settler starts mining wheat.
            560 - Indians complete Copernicus. Romans + Egyptians go for Shake's. We celebrate to size 6.
            580 - Size 7 - Can't celebrate further. No Colosseum/No Construction.
            600 - Just hoping we get Shake's - I have fingers crossed! Destiny out of my hands - now I know why I play ICS.
            640 - Egyptians becoming more hostile! This alliance is on its way out.
            720 - Shake's Sell Temple. Need money.
            760 - Steal Construction from our "Allies" the Egytians - and got away with the customary "Minor Incident" caution.
            780 - Celebrating - build Aqueduct.
            800 - Size 8 - Money! give Romans construction and receive gift of 150. The trireme has its eyes on a Barb king off the coast of Elephantine, but it's stacked with a Legion. I think it better come home for caravan duties.
            820 - Size 9 - Settler mines wheat to silk.
            840 - Size 10 - Coal Caravan built - Rome demands.
            860 - Size 11
            880 - Size 12 - end celebrating.
            960 - Theory of Gravity Engineering next - Build University - Starting to build Caravans for Newton.
            980 - Settler roads silk to north of Carthage.
            1000 - Caravan


            Game sent to Ribannah with copy to Paul.


            [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 10, 2001).]
            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #66
              looks like your game will be finished before we have the Collosus.
              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


              • #67
                Roman, could you send me a copy of your 500 AD save?

                1000 AD - 1500 AD Ribannah
                1500 AD - 1750 AD kcbob
                1750 AD - 1800 AD Julius
                1800 AD - 1850 AD Paul
                1850 AD - 1875 AD Roman
                1875 AD - 1900 AD SG(2)


                • #68

                  Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-10-2001 09:56 PM
                  820 - Size 9 - Settler mines wheat to silk.
                  [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 10, 2001).]

                  This could have been completed in 2150 BC, effectively doubling our science output during many, many centuries.

                  If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                  A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                  Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                  • #69
                    Consul Ribannah looks at the mess and shakes her head ...
                    Oh well, let's see what we can still make of this. Fortunately the rival team seems to have disappeared into thin air so the shame is still over the horizon.

                    1000 AD Who rush-built an entire caravan? What happened to incremental strategies? Putting workers in the ocean for cleansing.
                    1020 AD Gold Caravan produced, Memphis is demanding
                    1060 AD Salt Caravan produced, Elephantine is demanding
                    1080 AD The Japanese (who the h... are they?) complete Sun Tzu's War Academy
                    ----- "Romans get Engineering from Vikings" - more tribes pop up by the day!
                    1100 AD Gave Theory of Gravity to Egyptians, got Navigation as gift
                    ----- Gave ToG to Romans, Engineering as gift
                    1120 AD Coal Caravan meets Vikings near Veii, traded for Horseback Riding
                    ----- Gave the Vikings all our techs (they looked a bit backward), signed a peace treaty and exchanged maps
                    1140 AD Roman Gold Caravan from Veii arrives in Carthage, Veii stops demanding Coal
                    1160 AD Gold Caravan from Rome arrives in Carthage, Rome stops demanding Coal
                    ----- The Vikings build King Richard's Crusade (strange name for a Viking king ...)
                    1180 AD Food Caravan produced, Carthagian scientists discover Banking
                    1200 AD Our allies, the Egyptians, bring us shattering news: some rogue tribe called the Indians have taken Memphis! Fortunately, the city still demands gold
                    1220 AD Food Caravan produced
                    1260 AD Food Caravan produced
                    1280 AD Gold caravan meets the Indians, traded for Bridge Building (pretty useless)
                    ----- We refused to trade for the blasphemous knowledge of Polytheism
                    ----- Give them all our tech instead (hopefully they will see the error of their ways)
                    ----- Exchanged maps, signed peace treaty
                    1300 AD Food Caravan produced, Gold Caravan enters Memphis (d,546)
                    1320 AD A breakthrough!! Carthagian librarians find the secret of Sanitation.
                    ----- Surely this will reduce the bad vapours
                    ----- Gave Banking to the Romans and received a gift of 75 gold
                    ----- Coal Caravan dumps contents in Rome for 87 sestertiae
                    1340 AD Carthage builds ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE (who? what?), scientists cheer
                    ----- Salt Caravan reaches the beautiful city of Elephantine (d,460)
                    1360 AD Carthagian bookwyrms invent Economics
                    1380 AD The first Bank in the world is built in Carthago!
                    ----- Egyptians boast about a mysterious discovery called "chemistry"
                    1420 AD Sewer System completed, the citizens of Carthago start a spontaneous celebration out of love for Consul Ribannah
                    1440 AD Size 13
                    1460 AD Size 14, Carthagian fishermen construct a Harbor
                    1480 AD Size 15, Wizards of Carthago proclaim the discovery of Invention - what else is new
                    ----- Traded with the Egyptians for Chemistry and Feudalism, refused to trade for Polytheism
                    ----- Egyptians demand half our gold, we refuse, they back down
                    ----- Gave the Romans all our tech, exchanged maps, received a gift of 200 gold
                    1500 AD Size 16, Stock Exchange built in beloved Carthago

                    Facing the horrors of Democracy (due in 1540 AD), Consul Ribannah hurriedly leaves the scene ...

                    If you have no feet, don't walk on fire

                    [This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited March 11, 2001).]
                    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                    • #70

                      Originally posted by Ribannah on 03-11-2001 09:45 AM
                      Fortunately the rival team seems to have disappeared into thin air so the shame is still over the horizon.

                      Well, still alive and kicking I had a busy last week and the weekend. I just checked my mail and saw that Hueij had sent me the save file 8.3. I'll play my turns today.

                      Btw Hueij, have you posted your history somewhere?

                      [This message has been edited by Marko_Polo (edited March 12, 2001).]


                      • #71
                        I got the saved game and will play in the next day or two.

                        "Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
                        Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                        • #72
                          Hueij sent his history to me with the save game and here it is:

                          "A short summary of the History of the Glorious Carthagian Empire 1500-625 BC.

                          1450: Chinese start Hanging Gardens.
                          1250: Discovery of Monarchy, starting Currency. Traded Masonry, Pottery and Horseback Riding for Monarchy, Warrior Code and Code of Laws with Romans, gift 50 gold.
                          1100: Revolution.
                          1050: Hueij I crowned as King of the Kingdom of Carthage.
                          950: Colossus built.
                          825: Egypt starts Pyramids.
                          800: Irrigated Pheasant to Buffalo.
                          725: Romans get Currency and acquire Construction, so someone else is in the neighborhood...
                          Romans: gift Construction.
                          700: Library.
                          675: Currency, going for Trade.
                          650: Egyptians build Pyramids, Romans start Hanging Gardens."


                          • #73
                            OK, played my turns until 1AD and here is my history:

                            0-625 Romans 100g
                            2-575 China completed HG, starts GL, Indians start LH, Romans GW
                            3-550 Marketplace-->Temple
                            4-525 Egypt starts GL
                            7-450 S5, temple, we now have 10 shields
                            8-425 Trade-->Literacy (I really hope that Romans have discovered map making by now!)
                            9-400 Indians built LH
                            10-375 Hides, gave trade to Romans
                            14-275 Romans discover bridge building (sigh)
                            15-250 Dye
                            18-175 China builds GL, Egypt change to Marco Polo's (smart guys, those Egyptians!)
                            We discover literacy-->the republic
                            We exchange it for bridge, get 25g from worshipful Romans
                            19-150 Romans 25g
                            20-125 Warrior for martial law
                            21-100 Romans 25g, our warrior uncovers a fish at our city's radius!
                            22-75 S6
                            23-50 Diplomat, we really need to explore more..
                            24-25 Romans stop with GW, Vikings start Sun Tsu
                            25-1AD Our hides caravan has finally arrived at the door steps of Veii which just grew to 7 and still demands hides. The two other caravans are getting close to the Rome empire as well.

                            Our settler has irrigated two forest squares into plains. Trading one shield to one more food and two trade arrows (with Colossus) sounds like a good bargain to me. We should be in republic very soon. Science rate is 10, science box is 60% full of beakers, caravan bonuses just about to arrive. We have a big problem though, we must find the other nations soon. That's a challenge to my successors!

                            Now I'll hurry to send the game to Paul & Scrobism.


                            • #74
                              The website has beebn updated. I am still missing two saves, so I would appreciate it if someone could mail them to me.

                              Roman or SG(2), could you mail me the MGE 500 AD save? And could Hueij or Marko_Polo please mail me the 625 BC save of team 2.42?


                              • #75
                                Sorry, totally forgotten... On it's way...
                                Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                                And notifying the next of kin
                                Once again...

