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  • #46
    This is a duplicate (sort of) of my last post in the Gigamap thread.

    Hey, Maud'Dib, glad to hear the job's going well.

    I went back over this thread and I can't see where you've been skipped. Do you have Smash's file? If so, just crank that baby up. There've only been two turns so far in the first round. (Does this terminology make sense?)

    Soooo, have at it. Unless you no longer have the file. Let us know tout'de suite! (Is my spelling correct on that one, Julius?)

    Frodo lives!
    Frodo lives!


    • #47
      What kind of .zip problem?Uncompressed files as large as a civ2 save will almost always get corrupted.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #48

        Originally posted by kcbob on 11-24-2000 11:40 AM
        Let us know tout'de suite! (Is my spelling correct on that one, Julius?)

        Presque Kcbob ! It’s “tout de suite”

        Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
        Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


        • #49

          Originally posted by kcbob on 11-24-2000 11:40 AM
          This is a duplicate (sort of) of my last post in the Gigamap thread.

          For me too. Nice idea Kcbob. Do you think Scouse Gits has something to say against it ?

          Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
          Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


          • #50

            Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 11-25-2000 05:20 AM
            For me too. Nice idea Kcbob. Do you think Scouse Gits has something to say against it ?

            I don't think he's got anything to say against it. I think what I might do is give a few more hours today and if we don't hear from Maud'Dib by early this evening, I'll go forward with the Gigamap game. I'll leave this one for Dib. That way, we'll all have something in the works.

            And as you saw in the Gigamap thread, my "tout de suite" is pushing the envelope regarding my French.

            Frodo lives!
            Frodo lives!


            • #51

              Originally posted by kcbob on 11-25-2000 11:48 AM
              I don't think he's got anything to say against it. And as you saw in the Gigamap thread, my "tout de suite" is pushing the envelope regarding my French.

              Kcbob, I was not talking about your excellent handling of the situation, but I was thinking of my double post which was “scorned” by Scouse Gits. Looks you’ve found another clever way.
              I like your use of french and of american expressions. But what does “pushing the envelope “ means ?

              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


              • #52

                Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 11-25-2000 04:12 PM
                Kcbob, I was not talking about your excellent handling of the situation, but I was thinking of my double post which was “scorned” by Scouse Gits. Looks you’ve found another clever way.
                I like your use of french and of american expressions. But what does “pushing the envelope “ means ?

                Well, I certainly hope my use of "pushing the envelope" wasn't a case of mixed metaphors. I'm not sure of the origin. The intent is to show that I'm at the extreme edge of my expertise, such as it may be.

                I'm going to check the Gigamap thread now. If Maud'Dib hasn't responded, I'll proceed with that game and leave this one for him for the next few days.

                Maybe he OD'd on turkey.

                Frodo lives!
                Frodo lives!


                • #53

                  Originally posted by kcbob on 11-25-2000 07:58 PM
                  Well, I certainly hope my use of "pushing the envelope" wasn't a case of mixed metaphors. I'm not sure of the origin. The intent is to show that I'm at the extreme edge of my expertise, such as it may be.
                  I'm going to check the Gigamap thread now. If Maud'Dib hasn't responded, I'll proceed with that game and leave this one for him for the next few days.
                  Maybe he OD'd on turkey.

                  The exteme edge of your expertise ! how would someone translate that in french ?
                  “Les limites de mes possibilités”, je ne vois pas de métaphore correspondante !
                  I repost here what I said in the gigamap sg (sucession game that is). Let us all go ahead ! Those who cannot follow shall rejoin later. 15 to 20 turns, it is not “la mer à boire” !
                  No offense intended, as the matter is of almost no importance, but I don’t think Maud’Dib (is it from Dune, I don’t remember ?) acted in the most correct way. If he has no time to play, nobody’s going to blame him, but he should tell us that he is too busy and tell us when he can resume playing. Then, we decide if he skips one turn or not. Time is not always revelant but I wish I could finish those two sucession games before I die.

                  Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
                  Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                  • #54

                    Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 11-26-2000 02:43 PM
                    The exteme edge of your expertise ! how would someone translate that in french ?
                    “Les limites de mes possibilités”, je ne vois pas de métaphore correspondante !
                    I repost here what I said in the gigamap sg (sucession game that is). Let us all go ahead ! Those who cannot follow shall rejoin later. 15 to 20 turns, it is not “la mer à boire” !
                    No offense intended, as the matter is of almost no importance, but I don’t think Maud’Dib (is it from Dune, I don’t remember ?) acted in the most correct way. If he has no time to play, nobody’s going to blame him, but he should tell us that he is too busy and tell us when he can resume playing. Then, we decide if he skips one turn or not. Time is not always revelant but I wish I could finish those two sucession games before I die.

                    Never fear. The gigamap game is moving forward again. I'm trying to put myself in Maud'Dib's shoes. I can understand his slowness in playing if he has a wife like I do. I have to fight tooth and nail to get playing time. Not that she's trying to get on the computer. Au contraire. She's trying to keep me off.

                    As for "pushing the envelope", the explanation was not meant to be a literal translation. I asked a guy who sits beside me at work if he'd heard of it and the origin and here is his explanation.

                    Years ago, aerospace engineers would sometimes do their calculations anywhere they could find writing space, e.g., on the backs of envelopes. When the limits of the capabilities of the hardware they were designing had been reached and consequently exceeded, they called it "pushing the envelope".

                    Any buyers?

                    And yes, Maud'Dib is from Dune.

                    Frodo lives!
                    [This message has been edited by kcbob (edited November 27, 2000).]
                    Frodo lives!


                    • #55
                      Just to keep everyone updated, if we don't hear from Maud'Dib by tonight, I'll proceed with this game, too, and send it on.

                      Come on, Dibber, speak to me!!!

                      Frodo lives!
                      Frodo lives!


                      • #56
                        I just finished my turn and emailed it to Julius. As usual, the prose will follow tomorrow. Much different playing as one of the early contestants.

                        Frodo lives!
                        Frodo lives!


                        • #57
                          The world was young, a veritable garden, most bountiful indeed! Pheasants, silkworms, and whales were abundant. We were living in peace and harmony, a steady income of shekels. Our seers (never underestimate the value of seers, my friend) rightly divined that the world was inhabited by other civilizations, hereafter known as the Russians, the Babylonians, the Germans, the Carthaginians, and the Americans. (There was some question about the Americans, divining, and dimples but that's another story. )

                          The people considered many things and after much thought and prayer, our fishermen in the City of Only Three were asked to work in the wheat fields, our fishermen in Sherwood asked to tend to the silk worms. All this was done to improve production, and the people were glad. Our intrepid navy, the trireme Titanic, set sail from West Point, located in the eastern portion of the empire. (Go figure)
                          Horsemen, exploring the unknown, came upon a hut beckoning to them to enter. While pondering the wisdom of this, the Titanic espied from afar another hut, sadly just out of reach.

                          A mighty warrior was trained in Sherwood and the silk farmers nee fishermen were moved to the pheasant country to the north to become game wardens. Our archer, Robin of Lox Lee, was ordered back to Port au Prince and, while on the way, uncovered new whaling grounds near to shore.

                          And then, glory of glories, a Code of Laws was finally agreed upon by our people. Having achieved this monumentous decision, it was decided to begin looking into the possibility of choosing one ruler, a king, a Monarch, to rule over us. At the same time, our patient horsemen to the north threw back the curtain over the door of the hut by which he had been camped and, lo, 50 gold shekels lay at his feet!

                          Further exploring uncovered new lands to be inhabited at some time in our glorious future. Robin of Lox Lee boarded the Titanic and set sail for the distant shore upon which the newly discovered hut lay waiting.
                          Upon arriving there, Robin bravely peered into the hut and to his surprise, a wandering nomad stood and begged asylum. Given approval, he immediately founded Distant Shore in the midst of two whaling grounds.

                          With glad hearts the people of Distant Shore bid Robin of Lox Lee farewell. He boarded the Titanic, set sail, and… voila!!! Yet another thatched roof structure. With a great sense of foreboding, Robin bravely set foot off of the Titanic, into the mysterious hut, and… voila un autre fois!!! Monarchy!!!!! The gods be praised!!! May the name of Robin of Lox Lee be remembered forever in the annals of our glorious empire!!!

                          And then, just as the kingdom approved its new form of government, just as the kingdom was ready to name its new monarch… tragedy struck. Some say it was Robin of Lox Lee, jealous of kcbob's soon to be obtained title, who performed the dastardly deed. To this day, no one knows. All that is known is that kcbob disappeared, his whereabouts to this day a mystery. In his absence, in his memory, the kingdom moved forward naming its first king. The king is dead! Long live the King. May he live forever! And his name shall be called…

                          Frodo lives!
                          Frodo lives!


                          • #58
                            I know I am not playing this game, but very nice history. I love reading these.

                            'I want to be hand counted and checked for dimples.'
                            [This message has been edited by skrobism (edited November 28, 2000).]
                            Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                            • #59
                              Thank you, skrobism.

                              Actually, writing the "history" is half the fun.

                              Frodo lives!
                              Frodo lives!


                              • #60
                                LOL..I was just thinkin why I named an eastern city West Point??

                                Nice results from huts!That must have saved oodles of turns to monarchy
                                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

