For those of you unfamiliar with the subject acronym (and that is probably all of you
), this is the beginning of the MGE non-ICS succession game thread. I think there's enough interest out there for this type of succession game so let's jump in.
I would like to suggest the following for a start:
Large world
Random land mass
Random land form
Random climate
Random temperature
Random age (What can I say. I like randomness.)
Deity (Open for discussion)
7 civilizations
Raging hordes (Open for discussion)
No restart (Open for discussion)
Male gender (With all deference to the female posters)
Play as Aztecs (Open for discussion)
Number of players (5 to 7, depends on how many wish to sign up)
Moves per turn (10 in the beginning, 5 later on, open for discussion)
Any takers?
Frodo lives!

I would like to suggest the following for a start:
Large world
Random land mass
Random land form
Random climate
Random temperature
Random age (What can I say. I like randomness.)

Deity (Open for discussion)
7 civilizations
Raging hordes (Open for discussion)
No restart (Open for discussion)
Male gender (With all deference to the female posters)
Play as Aztecs (Open for discussion)
Number of players (5 to 7, depends on how many wish to sign up)
Moves per turn (10 in the beginning, 5 later on, open for discussion)
Any takers?
Frodo lives!