Discussing the merits of civilizations in another thread, it got me to thinking: what was the most important single one of all? I'll post mine first, with my main reasons. Let's here what the membership thinks. My choice is Greece, for the following reasons: Human freedom was born and given voice by a small land on the agean sea. It was these people who stood agaisnt the greatest tyrants(up to that time), the Persians. They gave law and a democratic sprit that still lights the world by it's glow. They embraced science and rational thought as no one ever did before. They spread their wings and their culture through out the world, to such a degree that it is still felt to this day. And to me these are the most important things of all.
[This message has been edited by cpoulos (edited January 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by cpoulos (edited January 21, 2001).]