I updated the schedule to reflect the fact that you and kcbob only played 20 turns. SG[1] will now play until 300 AD. I also updated the website. I still haven't received 1500 BC and 750 BC saves, so I would appreciate if someone could mail them to me.
No announcement yet.
Gigamap OCC succession game
Originally posted by Paul on 01-14-2001 07:30 AM
I updated the schedule to reflect the fact that you and kcbob only played 20 turns. SG[1] will now play until 300 AD. I also updated the website. I still haven't received 1500 BC and 750 BC saves, so I would appreciate if someone could mail them to me.
Paul, I've sent you the 750bc that I received from Kcbob. Great job with the site !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - GoetheOh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
I sent the 1500bc save also.It didn't come back so I guess someone is either playing or wondering if I sent a virus.Its out there somewhere.The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Originally posted by Paul on 01-14-2001 02:45 PM
I got the 1500 BC save from kcbob, but not the 750 BC save from Julius. There have been some problems with the mailserver, so maybe you could try to send it to paulvandenbelt@planet.nl or paulvdbelt@hetnet.nl.
Paul, I've sent the 750bc at your 3 e-mail adresses. I hope it works this time.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - GoetheOh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
I too took twenty turns - in my case because my last turn was a hard act to follow ...
OCC Gigaworld Succession ...
0250BC - Barbarians at the gates, citizens cringe in anticipation of murder and rapine.
If we survive the highest priority is to secure Shake's so maximize caravan production ...
We need a mine - our shield production is lamentable ...
0225BC - Legion gets airlift home from Canton; two Barb Knights land on Mount Fuji - vet Knight destroys mountain troops, Legion picks off Chariot - immediate danger reduced; Exploring legion ambushed by three Barb Horse; Advanced tribe requires a restart - I discover how incredibly lucky I was to take out those Knights- Fifteen minutes later exploring horse finds 50g; maps from Greeks and Russians, alliance with Russia. Exploring Chariot vanquishes Barbarian Horseman; non Legion emerges from hut; 50g from hut;
0200BC - Legion vanquished by ambushing Horsemen; Caravan#1; hut - 50g
0175BC - hut - 50g; hut - 50g;
0150BC - Settler built (population recovers next turn);
0125BC - SANITATION -> University; hut Knight
0100BC - hut - 25g; hut - Knight
0075BC - Alliance + 100g from Greeks; Caravan#2
0050BC - hut - 50g; hut - 50g; hut - 100g;
0025BC -
0001AD - Caravan#3; Barb king exposed to Trireme - 150g + vet Trireme - then blow away Barb Horse - our islands are free of ronin, Sire. hut - Advanced Tribe -> 100g; hut - 25g;
0020AD - UNIVERSITY -> Theory of Gravity; Barb Legion ambushes Knight; hut - 25g; three barb horse bounce on Knight - two taken down ...
0040AD - University built; Knight loses to Legion; hut 50g; hut Legion
0060AD - three Barb Horse attack Legion; hut 50g;
0080AD - Legion dies; hut - 50g; hut - 50g;
0100AD - horseman ambushed by three horse
0120AD - Caravan#5
0140AD - Mine#1 completed
0160AD - Mine#2 completed; Legion found;
0180AD - WLCD starts @ 12; Caravan#6; hut - 50g;
0200AD - Sewer System; Colisseum sold;
Twenty turns and a fine note to end on ...
Good luck - there are Chinese invaders on our shores - we might need a Divine Wind ...
[edited to enable smilies - I switched the damn things off instead of showing my sig - what a berk!]
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited January 15, 2001).]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
700 AD save sent to Smash. Turn list updated - Smash should play to 1200 AD.
240 AD Chinese: alliance; gift techs; share maps; get Polytheism as gift
Trireme stays in Kyoto to continue WLTPD
Russians: gift techs; share maps; get 50 gold
Greeks: gift techs; share maps; get 50 gold
260 AD Build Beads Caravan; huts: 3 barb horses, 50 g, 25 g, 25 g
280 AD Horse killed by barbs
Germans: peace; share maps; gift some techs; they won't ally
Greeks: cancel alliance for no reason; all our units get sent home
300 AD Chemistry
340 AD Russians build Leo's
380 AD End WLTPD, size 22; trireme leaves Kyoto
440 AD Navigation
480 AD Hut: 50 gold
500 AD Russians: gift techs; get 100 gold
Germans: gift techs
Chinese: gift techs; get 25 gold
Greeks: gift techs; alliance; get 75 gold
540 AD Build Salt Caravan
560 AD Magnetism
Chinese get economics -> next player, remember to trade for this !!!
600 AD Isaac Newton's College
620 AD Metallurgy
640 AD Build Gold Caravan
660 AD Electricity
680 AD Galleon built; sails east with two caravans, a horse and a knight
Hut: 50 gold
700 AD Steam Engine -> Refrigeration
Russians: gift techs; get 100 gold
Germans: gift techs
Chinese: gift techs; won't trade economics because "great minds are working on ASTC"
Greeks: gift techs; gift 25 gold
Low down
We are doing ok.Refrigeration was 2 turns away but we had no Explosives.Then again there wasn’t that many squares to work.Settlers were preworked for farming a couple squares quicker.
Caravans were enroute to Asia and the New (unknown) World.Along with some explorers.Must have been a major annoyance having units sent home from Europe and the Mid East.Looks like we were just about to venture into darkest Africa too
United States of the Japanese?
*trade China Refrigeration for Economics-PAY 50 gold-dirty rats..oh well it was only 50 or no way
*gold caravn arrives in Tsingtao 142
*science to 90% to maintain 2 turns
*2 scientists can become taxman
*Russians cancel alliance-darn MGE
760-stock exchange opened
*Conscription,Leadership and Atomic Theory offered.Choose Conscription
*hut-50 gold
*away team lands on west coast of North America
*gotta change those taxmen back to scientists...I’m wary of gifting tech in MGE to get 2 turns.
*science 100% and 1 scientist needed -2 gold deficit
840-China develops Railroad-trade for Conscription.Then they cancel alliance..nice-2 units sent home
*hut 50 gold
*contact Sioux-they demand 150 of 175 treasury-WAR-nice
*start “we love days” size 21
900-Russians declare war
end “we love” size 24-sell sewer
*dam it.Just noticed 1 settler is supported.Should have upgraded to engineer first
*our horseman in America is forced to attack a Sioux horseman on plains.We lose of course @#$%-Caravans can’t safely cross land.Didn’t have them come this far to be killed.I will try to sail around to the east coast.Gonna take forever.
980-The Corporation
*can’t manage 2 turns now.Leary of gifting.China is building Darwin’s
1000-sell aquaduct-finally decided to go it with 1 engineer and 2 settlers
1020-having to disband units-real race for Darwin’s.China had allready been building a wonder when they switched to Darwin’s
1060-salt to Tenochtitlan 283
1100-Darwin’s Voyage>Combustion>Automobile
*beads arrives in Tenochtitlan 283
*ceasefire with Russia
1120-uh oh-major peasant revolt nearby-muskets-at least 3
*superhighways built
*barb invasion includes cannon-rushing a diplomat
*bribe barb cannon 82
*cannon kills “core” of barbs.10 units KIA
1180-Machine Tools
*take workers off mines and hire scientists
1200-Going ok.2 turns is going to be tough until Computers.Traveler’s reports are telling of a somewhat advanced AI.China is very close with several coastal cities.I expect some kind of effort from them eventually......The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Finished. Just call me Mr. Infrastructure. And try as I might, I couldn't micromanage to a decent 2 turns per research. Here is the log and I'll email to Julius and Paul in a moment.
OCC Succession
1200 AD – 41 units lost!!!
1220 – Electronics chosen
70% science – 3 turns - +71 gold
I’ve been workin’ on the railroad
Top 5 cities – We’re number one!
Galleon heading home
1240 – More shields – still 3 turns
Galleon still heading home
1260 – Idiot barb musketeer
Factory bought
1280 – Electronics discovered
Miniaturization chosen
First pollution
Barbs off the coast!!
1300 – Open squares covered in attempt to keep barbs out
1320 – Barbs still out
1340 – Barbs still out
Miniaturization discovered
Mobile warfare chosen – lesser of six evils
1360 – Barbs still out
Mass transit purchased
1380 – Barbs still out
1400 (turn 10) – Mobile warfare discovered
Computers chosen
Barbs disappear – Whew!
Idiot barb musketeer
1420 – Barbs three islands north
Disband settler???
Begin transforming Mt. Fuji to a hill
1440 – Barbs up north moving a little closer
None settler frees up – Kyoto settler disbanded
Offshore platform purchased
1460 – Computers discovered
Atomic Theory chosen
Research lab begun
1480 – Chinese complete Magellan’s
1500 –
1510 – Atomic Theory discovered
Recycling chosen – pollution near Kyoto
1520 – Idiot barb cannon
Pollution eliminated
1530 (turn 18) – Research lab built
Hydro plant begun
Tax rate left at three turns for one more turn
1540 – Recycling discovered
Nuclear fission chosen
1550 - Saved and sent
Frodo lives!Frodo lives!