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  • #16
    I think battleships are protrayed accurately. If the attack cost is so high it has to be something relativeley good. And think that level bombers like I think that the bombers in CIV are, they weren't very accurate. They just picked a general area and "Bombs away!"

    And was the Missouri refitted with the Phalanx system? I thought it was a museum in Pearl Harbor?

    What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?

    Contact me at


    • #17
      yes, but take bismark for example.
      it goy it's rudder jammed by a stringbag attack (stringbags ... as in biplanes)
      several US BBs got sunk at pearl harbour
      and the only instance where a BB killed anything that resembled a CV was when basically everything the japanese had left attacked 3 tiny CVEs

      I don't recall any occasion where something like a B17 attacked a BB

      but like i said a few posts back, if the BB unit represents a BB taskforce (with a DD screen) THEN ít's perfectly ok for a BB unit to kill a fighter unit


      • #18

        Originally posted by Fiji on 10-31-2000 06:11 AM
        yes, but take bismark for example.
        it goy it's rudder jammed by a stringbag attack (stringbags ... as in biplanes)
        several US BBs got sunk at pearl harbour
        and the only instance where a BB killed anything that resembled a CV was when basically everything the japanese had left attacked 3 tiny CVEs

        I don't recall any occasion where something like a B17 attacked a BB

        but like i said a few posts back, if the BB unit represents a BB taskforce (with a DD screen) THEN ít's perfectly ok for a BB unit to kill a fighter unit

        Last major battleship actions where they killed/sunk other large units:

        Spanish-American War 1898 (Maine was sunt by a spy, right?)
        Russo-Japan Conflict 1906(is that the right year Japanese just totally destroy a Russian fleet by "crossing the T" which is a naval term for crossing in front the enemies line of ships to concentrate fire and minimize exposure to enemy guns.)
        Jutland WWI (don't recall number of ships sunk or types)
        Bismark action WWII (pretty serious firefight after the Bismark couldn't steer -- check out the footage of that battle if you want to see some serious BB action)
        Leyte Gulf WWII
        Other Pacific encounters in WWII
        Am I missing any? It does seem to be rare occurance. Considering the number of actual actions versus the amount of opportunities for action.

        Many more BB's lost due to airstrike (never by a B-17, I believe the Japanese sunk the Prince of Wales and another UK ship near Singapore by level flight bombers. No British air cover - not smart. I think the Ark Royal was the carrier slated to go with the task force, but had turn back for repairs in the Carriberean). There's Pearl Harbor and Midway also.

        Mostly WWII Pacific theatre for your big airstrikes sinking big ships.

        edited for sp
        [This message has been edited by Shogun Gunner (edited October 31, 2000).]
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #19
          I never seem to have much use for a large navy. I'd like to use naval warefare more, but it seems I always get tied up in land battles.

          Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia violandum est: aliis rebus pietatem colas
          "Veni, vidi, vici."

          Translation: "I came, I saw, I conquered." Written by Caesar, in a report to Rome in 47 B.C. after conquering Farnakes at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days.


          • #20

            Originally posted by Fiji on 10-20-2000 06:03 AM
            there are loads of things not quite realistic (like, who cares)
            like sending some poor phalanx on a walk around the poles

            like i said, who cares?

            Send a phalanx on a walk around the poles? Ridiculous! I use a horseman. Or sometimes a horseman on a trireme.

            Jim W


            • #21

              Originally posted by Jim W on 11-09-2000 10:09 PM
              Send a phalanx on a walk around the poles? Ridiculous! I use a horseman. Or sometimes a horseman on a trireme.

              Jim W

              Sorry, that should be:

              Send a phalanx on a walk around the poles? Ridiculous! I use a horseman. Or sometimes a horseman on a trireme.

              Jim W


              • #22
                Yes, it's ridiculous
                just imagine, a few thousand men clad in bronze on a walk where it's minus 30 or 40 or 50

                or fortifying a warrior unit in a vast swamp
                oh, wait, that actually happend here in belgium when the romans invaded

                or marching an army through a vast desert
                oh, wait again, didn't alexander the great do that?

                or warriors attacking an armor unit
                hmmm, WW2, Italy invading ethiopia

                is there anything in CIV that didn't happen in real life


                • #23
                  WOW Never thought about these things

                  Although there is something that is not very realistic in CIV 2.
                  In modern era there seem to be a constant ww2 or ww3 or ww4 you ge the picture. Everybody is fighting YOU. Assuming you are the most powerful civ... Not very realistic


                  • #24
                    Think of everyone fighting you, the way Libia, Pannama, Iran and Iraq fought the USA, backwards nations fighting the supreme, seems realistic to me. The difference being that when sneak attacked, We annihilate and the US spanks


                    • #25
                      True. But not the WHOLE WORLD against you
                      Then again there are 147 or so countries on Earth whereas only 7 in CIV...

                      Ah, CIV you got to love it

                      By the way why is Civ 3 taking so damn long?????


                      • #26
                        there are between 190 and 210 nations on earth, depending on who you ask
                        (places like French Guinee, saint Pierre, Tahiti, American Samoa, East-Timor are the ones that change the count)
                        but how many CIVs are there?
                        "the west" - NATO
                        The slavic Civ - most of east-europe
                        the islamic Civ - ranging from mauretania to indonesia
                        the latin Civ - everything from the us-mex border down to the antarctic

                        still, this state of constant world war doesn't appear to exist irl


                        • #27
                          Liked the examples, Fiji.

                          I suppose Hannibal's men didn't face minus 40 but they did face plenty of snow and ice - plus more uphill than you get at the poles.

