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Mountain defence: 5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Mountain defence: 5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The terain type description in my CIV 2 copy is all screwd up. The info is completly wrong!!

    How can I fix this???? For example the mountain defence is only ... 5% according to the window that pops upwhen I double click on that terrain. Does this mean that the game recognises mountains as having olny 5%????

    The version of my CIV 2 copy was 1,02 and then I upgraded to 2,42 but the problem was there already before the patch.

    Any ideas on how to fix this??

    Thank you people.

  • #2
    A simple solution might be to look for Rules.txt in the same directory as civ2.exe, use an editor to scroll down to @TERRAIN and check that the parameters are correct (the meaning of the numbers in sequence are given just before the beginning of @TERRAIN.


    • #3
      Since that is screwed up, maybe other things are too!

      Just delete all your files, and reload the game and the latest patch.

      All problems solved
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I uninstalled and re-installed 3 times
        The problem is still there and after a lot of searching around I think the problem is with a currupt (from the cd-rom) file called get_info.
        Can anyone e-mail this file to me??

        Thank you

