The Barren Suburbs Succession Game 
Asthreate promised, I've started another succession game, any and all are invited to join, up to about 10-12.
Settings: Deity, raging, MGE, gigamap.
Rules: Only one special rule. You may not build Settlers or Engineers. You may bribe them from the AI or acquire them from huts... but they may not be built for any reason! No timelimits to play... but please try to post your intention to play within 72 hours of the last person, or you may be skipped
We may win by conquest only (sorry, OCCers). We may NOT lose (I guess there is a second rule, after all
Otherwise, all the normal non-cheat exploits are permitted (e.g. blackclicking, hutfinding, shipchaining, Xinning, and excessive use of Spies are all allowed, but Caravan/Freight rehoming is not).
As I had to try a couple of restarts and check the map before finding a 'suitable' start position, I have uploaded the 4000 BC save, and I myself will play after a few others have had a turn.
We start with Alphabet. Good luck.
1. atomant
2. Jrabbit
3. OldnSlow
6. Bob_Smurf42
7. SCG

Settings: Deity, raging, MGE, gigamap.
Rules: Only one special rule. You may not build Settlers or Engineers. You may bribe them from the AI or acquire them from huts... but they may not be built for any reason! No timelimits to play... but please try to post your intention to play within 72 hours of the last person, or you may be skipped

We may win by conquest only (sorry, OCCers). We may NOT lose (I guess there is a second rule, after all

Otherwise, all the normal non-cheat exploits are permitted (e.g. blackclicking, hutfinding, shipchaining, Xinning, and excessive use of Spies are all allowed, but Caravan/Freight rehoming is not).
As I had to try a couple of restarts and check the map before finding a 'suitable' start position, I have uploaded the 4000 BC save, and I myself will play after a few others have had a turn.
We start with Alphabet. Good luck.
1. atomant
2. Jrabbit

3. OldnSlow
6. Bob_Smurf42
7. SCG