I have been browsing through this website (and I am happy it's here) and now am interested in going out and getting the MP ver. Are there patches for the MP ver and if so, direct me to them? I'll be playing the PC ver. Any tips on staying alive playing against the more seasoned players? I don't want to just kowtow, I'd like to get off the porch.
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Mp games
Well, I quite sure that finbar, Alexander's Horse, Ming, Rah, and the other leading MP gurus will let you do your katowing in the dirt, besides it looks better that way then it does when done on a porch.
Edit to replace the missing smiley that I manage to delete when posting the original. Sorry about that.
[This message has been edited by Ken Hinds (edited August 21, 2000).]
Jeez, Ken, we were leaving this one for you.
Jack A., you'll need the latest PC patch, it's version 1.3. Match the patch with the version of the game you have:
There may be other links to the patch, but that's the only one I could find. And I'm a Mac player.
The only real advice for beginners is to play the game. You'll learn quickly enough. You'll always find games being set up on the MultiPlayer forum. Offer yourself.Or start a thread yourself looking for a game. You'll find most players are relatively kind and gentle with newbies.
If you haven't got ICQ, get it. It's the means of communicating about games and, often, during games. Post your ICQ # on the thread that lurks somewhere on the MultiPlayer forum. If it's not on the first page, hunt back for it.
Other than that, a trawl back through the MultiPlayer and Strategy forums will unearth a mountain of very useful tips and guidance. You'll even find guidance on MultiPlayer etiquette.
Good luck.
Mono Rules!
#33984591" ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
"The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.
Welcome to the world of multiplayer, belive me, it is a whole new world compared to single player.
Good Luck!
let's play sometime!
Apolyton Empress
"We sit outside and argue all night long, about a God we've never seen but never fails to side with me" --primitive radio gods
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"Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."
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