Aye captains tis all in order and thank you... 
Ive read through the rules file (perhaps glanced is more appropriate ) and guess i could have figured it out from the comments aptly contained within it, but having sufficiently overdosed with all the posts in the strategy/general forums of this site ive engorged recently and ( may i hasten to add with no disrespect to this esteemed site ) civfanatics...
I most certainly commend/implore any new (and old i have no doubt ) civ2 gamer who really wants to understand the how's and why's of this incredibly addictive game, to avail himself of the wealth of information/hints/tips/expertise that begs to be digested within the pages of these forums
I for one, having only been playing the game for a couple of weeks, am already able to tackle Diety level with somewhat less than trepidation...and hope to soon be comfortable enough to venture out into the real world of MP to tackle more reputable human foe...

Ive read through the rules file (perhaps glanced is more appropriate ) and guess i could have figured it out from the comments aptly contained within it, but having sufficiently overdosed with all the posts in the strategy/general forums of this site ive engorged recently and ( may i hasten to add with no disrespect to this esteemed site ) civfanatics...
I most certainly commend/implore any new (and old i have no doubt ) civ2 gamer who really wants to understand the how's and why's of this incredibly addictive game, to avail himself of the wealth of information/hints/tips/expertise that begs to be digested within the pages of these forums

I for one, having only been playing the game for a couple of weeks, am already able to tackle Diety level with somewhat less than trepidation...and hope to soon be comfortable enough to venture out into the real world of MP to tackle more reputable human foe...
