To preface this post, I'm not sure if this should go in the Strategy forum, or the Creation forum. I'll post it here, confident that the appropriate folks will see it and move it as necessary.
In the Strategy forum, there is quite a good discussion on the viability of KRC in succession games. For a lot of people, KRC isn't worth the 6 caravans, which could be used to produce trade (cash & science) - and the extra production doesn't equal the 300 shield cost.
I've seen similar objections made to Darwin's voyage - 8 caravans (IIRC that is the cost) could produce enough trade for the 2 science advances Darwin produces, PLUS cash, plus the advances can be timed so that no beakers are wasted, etc.
All well and good. We all have our fave wonders - HG and Michelangelo are two I prefer, and always build. And I never build some other wonders due to cost-benefit analysis, and opportunity cost (e.g. better wonders available for building, more or less at the same time).
So... some wonders are obviously worth much more than they cost... and some are worth much less. I'd probably build Darwin if it only cost, say, 200-300 shields. Michelangelo might still be worth building at 500-600 shield cost.
The question is...
Assuming you wanted wonders to be equally valuable per unit of cost (shield cost) so much as possible - how would you modify wonder costs to reflect their game value? Which ones would you reduce in cost, and how much? For which ones would you increase the cost, and by how much?
In the Strategy forum, there is quite a good discussion on the viability of KRC in succession games. For a lot of people, KRC isn't worth the 6 caravans, which could be used to produce trade (cash & science) - and the extra production doesn't equal the 300 shield cost.
I've seen similar objections made to Darwin's voyage - 8 caravans (IIRC that is the cost) could produce enough trade for the 2 science advances Darwin produces, PLUS cash, plus the advances can be timed so that no beakers are wasted, etc.
All well and good. We all have our fave wonders - HG and Michelangelo are two I prefer, and always build. And I never build some other wonders due to cost-benefit analysis, and opportunity cost (e.g. better wonders available for building, more or less at the same time).
So... some wonders are obviously worth much more than they cost... and some are worth much less. I'd probably build Darwin if it only cost, say, 200-300 shields. Michelangelo might still be worth building at 500-600 shield cost.
The question is...
Assuming you wanted wonders to be equally valuable per unit of cost (shield cost) so much as possible - how would you modify wonder costs to reflect their game value? Which ones would you reduce in cost, and how much? For which ones would you increase the cost, and by how much?
