I don't play it anymore, but I want to (I see the civ2 folder everytime i browse explorer
Thing is, I don't have much access to my computer anymore, and when playing civ2... it's a time consuming game, unlike FPS or RTS games... When i reload a game, i lost all contact with it (i have to search where my units are located and don't know my current tech tree anymore etc) so I don't bother with it.
Otherwise I would play it a lot especially because of the absolute mass of scenarios out there that make it challenging. (I'm not a good player unfortunately, deity is just that bit too hard.. unrest problems which makes democracy impossible, and enemies that annoy me with building tons of cities within my civ area, and worse, naval units or just units that just move up and down near my coast or border! sometimes it's up to 50 destroyers which make turns last 15 minutes with every civ accounted for
That's the only bad thing bout civ, the retarded unit movements..

Thing is, I don't have much access to my computer anymore, and when playing civ2... it's a time consuming game, unlike FPS or RTS games... When i reload a game, i lost all contact with it (i have to search where my units are located and don't know my current tech tree anymore etc) so I don't bother with it.
Otherwise I would play it a lot especially because of the absolute mass of scenarios out there that make it challenging. (I'm not a good player unfortunately, deity is just that bit too hard.. unrest problems which makes democracy impossible, and enemies that annoy me with building tons of cities within my civ area, and worse, naval units or just units that just move up and down near my coast or border! sometimes it's up to 50 destroyers which make turns last 15 minutes with every civ accounted for

That's the only bad thing bout civ, the retarded unit movements..