This, as the title implies, is a succession game:
2.42 (now MGE - load and save in MGE please), Deity, 7 Civs, Raging. Large, custom map.
Special Rules: No Caravans, Freight, or Spies allowed.
Diplomats are allowed exclusively for the purpose of establishing embassies. Tech trading and other forms of diplomacy are permitted. Victory condition can be either conquest, or AC.
Please start by playing 20 turns, post a message to say when you've dl'ed the game, and try to name cities in keeping of the spirit of the game...
Play List:
2. DaveV
3. SG(2)
4. Jrabbit
Post below if you'd like to join in. All are welcome - up to eight, anyway
4000: Start with no techs. Whale sighted.
3950: Horsemen from hut
AntiGATT founded - Warriors. Horsemen reveal 2 Whale site NE of AntiGATT. Wise men begin work on the science of Ceremonial Burial.
3850: SMERSH founded
- Warriors. Hut located to the NW of AntiGATT. As it touches the city radius, we resolve to open the hut in the hope of a unit...
3800: Archers from hut. Our aloof leader determines that these should garrison AntiGATT, and production in AntiGATT is changed to Settlers.
3700: Another nice 2 Whale site to the west, and a hut. Wise women warn of possible barbarian activity, so the hut is left alone for now.
The streets no longer reek with the stench of our dead.
Wise men, thus encouraged by their success, now begin work on something clever to scribe onto tombstones (Alphabet)
3650: Warriors in SMERSH. Settlers production started.
3400: AntiGATT size 2. Workers shifted from Grassland to Forest, as per ancient resource square usage lore.
3250: Pictogram artists begin search for new jobs as Alphabet is discovered. "Monarchy? Whazzat??" quoth the wise men, as they begin work on Pottery.
3200: AntiGATT has coerced some of its inhabitants to Settle elsewhere. Warriors construction begins.
3050: Another hut is discovered, W of AntiGATT. SMERSH rounds up some Settlers, and begins to round up some more.
3000: Road construction starts between AntiGATT and SMERSH.
2.42 (now MGE - load and save in MGE please), Deity, 7 Civs, Raging. Large, custom map.
Special Rules: No Caravans, Freight, or Spies allowed.

Please start by playing 20 turns, post a message to say when you've dl'ed the game, and try to name cities in keeping of the spirit of the game...

Play List:
2. DaveV
3. SG(2)
4. Jrabbit
Post below if you'd like to join in. All are welcome - up to eight, anyway

4000: Start with no techs. Whale sighted.
3950: Horsemen from hut

3850: SMERSH founded

3800: Archers from hut. Our aloof leader determines that these should garrison AntiGATT, and production in AntiGATT is changed to Settlers.
3700: Another nice 2 Whale site to the west, and a hut. Wise women warn of possible barbarian activity, so the hut is left alone for now.
The streets no longer reek with the stench of our dead.

3650: Warriors in SMERSH. Settlers production started.
3400: AntiGATT size 2. Workers shifted from Grassland to Forest, as per ancient resource square usage lore.

3250: Pictogram artists begin search for new jobs as Alphabet is discovered. "Monarchy? Whazzat??" quoth the wise men, as they begin work on Pottery.
3200: AntiGATT has coerced some of its inhabitants to Settle elsewhere. Warriors construction begins.
3050: Another hut is discovered, W of AntiGATT. SMERSH rounds up some Settlers, and begins to round up some more.
3000: Road construction starts between AntiGATT and SMERSH.