What daya think? Possible? Interested? I figure Kansas City is central to the continent so everyone can come! For those who don't know, KC is famous for beef, barbecue and jazz! I figure we order either <A HREF="http://www.rbjb.com/rbjb/ab2.htm">Arthur Bryant's</A> or <A HREF="http://www.jackstackbbq.com/home.html">Smokestack</A> BBQ and party at Overland Community Park/<A HREF="http://www.opkansas.org/html/farmstead.html">Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead</A> (way cool petting zoo). Why this park and zoo? Well, I think more than a few of us would bring the wife and kids, and this is a GREAT park!
So, seriously, any interest in this grand experiment? If we can pull this together, Finbar might be convinced to cater an ACS Down Under/Olympics bash! (Ferrets welcome!)
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad

So, seriously, any interest in this grand experiment? If we can pull this together, Finbar might be convinced to cater an ACS Down Under/Olympics bash! (Ferrets welcome!)
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad