I was just wondering...I visit the Alpha Centauri forums and the Civ2 forums, and I noticed that although some people visit both forums, there seems to be a distinct separation of people who play Civ2 and those who play Alpha Centauri.
Some of the regular people who post on the Civ2 forums don't post on the Alpha Centauri forums, and vice versa.
I myself play both games and like them both ALOT, but I was curious if there were guys out there who are pure Civ2 fans that won't touch AC or if there are guys who think that AC completely demolishes Civ2 and they haven't touched there copy of Civ2 since AC was released..
To site a couple of examples...I know about the Velociryx in the AC forums, but never see him in the Civ2 forums....and I don't recall ever seeing Venger or War4ever or Oldman in the AC forums..
If I am incorrect because I haven't browsed the forums thoroughly enough please tell me.
Are there really guys out there that love either AC or Civ2 so much that they don't ever play or feel the want to post on the other's forum?

I was just wondering...I visit the Alpha Centauri forums and the Civ2 forums, and I noticed that although some people visit both forums, there seems to be a distinct separation of people who play Civ2 and those who play Alpha Centauri.
Some of the regular people who post on the Civ2 forums don't post on the Alpha Centauri forums, and vice versa.
I myself play both games and like them both ALOT, but I was curious if there were guys out there who are pure Civ2 fans that won't touch AC or if there are guys who think that AC completely demolishes Civ2 and they haven't touched there copy of Civ2 since AC was released..
To site a couple of examples...I know about the Velociryx in the AC forums, but never see him in the Civ2 forums....and I don't recall ever seeing Venger or War4ever or Oldman in the AC forums..
If I am incorrect because I haven't browsed the forums thoroughly enough please tell me.
Are there really guys out there that love either AC or Civ2 so much that they don't ever play or feel the want to post on the other's forum?
