Trade, trade and then trade ...
MGE Sailing Succession ...
Where are the happy people? Oh Stray, you have disapointed the masses.
A massive plan to reinstitute global celebration is now underway.
1784 = Sell Walls in Malaga, Valencia, Granad, Kashgara;
I hit End of Turn and got a partial play at 1784 again a city round and able to move a few units!
1784 = Celebration in Atlantis, Bannae, Hiccup, Sticky Mouse, Aachoo, Kabul, Hladir, Aleppo, Borkehide, Cape Whale, Cumae, Knudafoldur, Kundavik, Chengdu, Barcelona, Nanking, Lefse, Karakorum, Lutefisk; Marketplace in Hiccup, Sticky Mouse, Aachoo, Hladir, Cape Whale, Kundavik, Spac, Lefse; Bank in Kabul, Bokhara, Karakorum; Copper, Desert Song, 36g; Cloth, East Lutefisk, 16g;
1786 = Celebration in East Lutefisk, Pamplona, Grand Canal, Spac; Marketplace in Pamplona; Cloth Lutefisk Suburb, 15g; Cloth, Nanking, 21g; Quincay captured, 27g; Khorasan captured, 15g; Mongol civilisation destroyed! Hispalis captured, 41g; Channel Port founded; Bapedi captured, 85g; Hlobane captured, 72g;
1788 = Celebration in Quinsay, Bapedi; Marketplace in Bannae; Espionage -> Conscription; Pisae falls, 64g; Brundisium captured, 6g; Beads, Lutefisk-Lugdunum, 258g; Lugdunum captured (3 musks, 3 crooks & a caravel to be taken out), 8g; Gems, Grand Canal-Rome, 35g; Silver, Lutefisk-Rome, 52g;
1790 = Celebration in Trondheim, Tsingtao, Panama, Seville, Madrid; Dye, Port Sleaze, 15g; Gems, Samarkand, 37g; Dye, Nishapur, 35g; Gems, Karakorum, 45g; Silver, Sticky Mouse, 26g; Ulundi falls, 70g;
1792 = Celebration in Port Sleaze ; Library in Nanking (happy, Stray?); Lutefisk grows to 14 naturally; Spice, Kazan, 68g; Wine, Narvik, 30g; Wine, Boring, 28g; Wine, Borkehide, 38g; Food to Lutefisk; Wine, Nishapur, 36g;
1794 = Lutefisk @ 15; Food to Lutefisk; Wine, Kabul, 41g; Cloth, Kashgar, 36g; Gems, Nishapur, 38g; Cloth, Port Sleaze, 18g; Cloth, Seville, 88g; Gems, Vallodolid, 79g; Gold, malaga, 156g; Wine, Toledo, 53g; Box full!;
1796 = Conscription (Leo does his magic act) -> Tactics (hard choice ...); Darwin's Voyage in Desert Song; Tactics (Leo again); Electricity (my most hated Leo) -> Refining; Celebration in Boring, Bokhara; Marketplace in Nishapur; Lutefisk @ 16; Food to Lutefisk; Cloth, In your back, 43g; Oil, Flamenco, 48g; Oil, Salamanca, 63g; Oil, Borkehide, 40g; Cloth, Grand Canal, 20g; Beads, Jaak, 28g; Cloth, Tabriz, 42g; Salt, Tsingtao, 18g; New City founded on three special site; Two Pheasant founded (four special site); hut, 100g; hut, 50g; Gold, Valencia, 218g; Toronto, Cloth, 29g; Spice, Channel Packet, 22g; Oil, Shiguld, 24g; Cloth, Barcelona, 65g; Cloth, Madrid, 66g;
1798 = Celebrations in Toronto, Channel Packet, The Institute, Shiguld, Narvik, Jaak, In your back, Nishapur. Valencia; Factory in Borkehide; Harbour in Spac; Marketplace in Rome; Lutefisk @ 17; Food to Lutefisk; Beads, Another City, 31g; Viroconium taken, 38g; Roman civilisation destroyed; Zimbabw falls, 147g; The Zulus have two cities left - but we have no idea where!; Git's Luck tips from hut; Cloth, Ditcheebork, 27g; Cloth, Trondheim, 33g; Cloth, Cordoba, 77g; Gold, Toledo, 174g; Dye, Straybison, 80g; Cloth, Iberian Canal, 58g; Cloth, Malaga, 55g; Oil, Cadiz, 71g;
1800 = Refining -> Steel; Harbour in Flamenco, Desert Song; Celebration in Iberian Canal, Desert Song, Malaga, Cadiz, Ditcheebork, Rome; Temple in Nishapur; Sewer System in Karakorum; Lutefisk @ 18; Food to Lutefisk; Oil, Barcelona, 70g; Silver, East Lutefisk, 22g; Salt, Chengdu, 30g; Dye, Tsingtao, 18g; Beads, The Institute, 30g; Oil, Knudafoldur, 25g; Beads, Kazan, 28g; Gold, Hiccup, 25g; Oil, Kundavik, 37g; Silk, Bokhara, 158g; Gold, Melbourne, 38g; Wine, Aleppo, 53g; Dye, Karakorum, 51g; Wine, Khanbalik, 44g; Gold, Shangtu, 47g; Gold, Kabul, 45g;
1802 = Celebration in Melbourne, Kazan, Shangtu, Khanbalik; Marketplace in Trondheim; Bank in Borkehide; Lutefisk @ 19; Food to Lutefisk; Salt, Hladir, 22g; Silver, Lutefisk-Seville, 100g; Gems, Cape Whale, 29g; Gems, Hoopla, 21g; Coal, Edge of Mankind, 88g; Beads, Narvik, 38g; Gems, sydney, 45g; Cloth, Pamplona, 82g; Box Full;
Lord - I have had enough - please enjoy this game - note to my successor - before you look at the 60% luxury rate and slap it down - please consider the effect of all the celebrating cities - basically we are earning fractionally more trade arrows (to be applied to cash and science) than we would do if we took the luxuries off - IMO any reduction below 40% would be catastrophic... but play your own game.
MGE Sailing Succession ...
Where are the happy people? Oh Stray, you have disapointed the masses.
A massive plan to reinstitute global celebration is now underway.
1784 = Sell Walls in Malaga, Valencia, Granad, Kashgara;
I hit End of Turn and got a partial play at 1784 again a city round and able to move a few units!
1784 = Celebration in Atlantis, Bannae, Hiccup, Sticky Mouse, Aachoo, Kabul, Hladir, Aleppo, Borkehide, Cape Whale, Cumae, Knudafoldur, Kundavik, Chengdu, Barcelona, Nanking, Lefse, Karakorum, Lutefisk; Marketplace in Hiccup, Sticky Mouse, Aachoo, Hladir, Cape Whale, Kundavik, Spac, Lefse; Bank in Kabul, Bokhara, Karakorum; Copper, Desert Song, 36g; Cloth, East Lutefisk, 16g;
1786 = Celebration in East Lutefisk, Pamplona, Grand Canal, Spac; Marketplace in Pamplona; Cloth Lutefisk Suburb, 15g; Cloth, Nanking, 21g; Quincay captured, 27g; Khorasan captured, 15g; Mongol civilisation destroyed! Hispalis captured, 41g; Channel Port founded; Bapedi captured, 85g; Hlobane captured, 72g;
1788 = Celebration in Quinsay, Bapedi; Marketplace in Bannae; Espionage -> Conscription; Pisae falls, 64g; Brundisium captured, 6g; Beads, Lutefisk-Lugdunum, 258g; Lugdunum captured (3 musks, 3 crooks & a caravel to be taken out), 8g; Gems, Grand Canal-Rome, 35g; Silver, Lutefisk-Rome, 52g;
1790 = Celebration in Trondheim, Tsingtao, Panama, Seville, Madrid; Dye, Port Sleaze, 15g; Gems, Samarkand, 37g; Dye, Nishapur, 35g; Gems, Karakorum, 45g; Silver, Sticky Mouse, 26g; Ulundi falls, 70g;
1792 = Celebration in Port Sleaze ; Library in Nanking (happy, Stray?); Lutefisk grows to 14 naturally; Spice, Kazan, 68g; Wine, Narvik, 30g; Wine, Boring, 28g; Wine, Borkehide, 38g; Food to Lutefisk; Wine, Nishapur, 36g;
1794 = Lutefisk @ 15; Food to Lutefisk; Wine, Kabul, 41g; Cloth, Kashgar, 36g; Gems, Nishapur, 38g; Cloth, Port Sleaze, 18g; Cloth, Seville, 88g; Gems, Vallodolid, 79g; Gold, malaga, 156g; Wine, Toledo, 53g; Box full!;
1796 = Conscription (Leo does his magic act) -> Tactics (hard choice ...); Darwin's Voyage in Desert Song; Tactics (Leo again); Electricity (my most hated Leo) -> Refining; Celebration in Boring, Bokhara; Marketplace in Nishapur; Lutefisk @ 16; Food to Lutefisk; Cloth, In your back, 43g; Oil, Flamenco, 48g; Oil, Salamanca, 63g; Oil, Borkehide, 40g; Cloth, Grand Canal, 20g; Beads, Jaak, 28g; Cloth, Tabriz, 42g; Salt, Tsingtao, 18g; New City founded on three special site; Two Pheasant founded (four special site); hut, 100g; hut, 50g; Gold, Valencia, 218g; Toronto, Cloth, 29g; Spice, Channel Packet, 22g; Oil, Shiguld, 24g; Cloth, Barcelona, 65g; Cloth, Madrid, 66g;
1798 = Celebrations in Toronto, Channel Packet, The Institute, Shiguld, Narvik, Jaak, In your back, Nishapur. Valencia; Factory in Borkehide; Harbour in Spac; Marketplace in Rome; Lutefisk @ 17; Food to Lutefisk; Beads, Another City, 31g; Viroconium taken, 38g; Roman civilisation destroyed; Zimbabw falls, 147g; The Zulus have two cities left - but we have no idea where!; Git's Luck tips from hut; Cloth, Ditcheebork, 27g; Cloth, Trondheim, 33g; Cloth, Cordoba, 77g; Gold, Toledo, 174g; Dye, Straybison, 80g; Cloth, Iberian Canal, 58g; Cloth, Malaga, 55g; Oil, Cadiz, 71g;
1800 = Refining -> Steel; Harbour in Flamenco, Desert Song; Celebration in Iberian Canal, Desert Song, Malaga, Cadiz, Ditcheebork, Rome; Temple in Nishapur; Sewer System in Karakorum; Lutefisk @ 18; Food to Lutefisk; Oil, Barcelona, 70g; Silver, East Lutefisk, 22g; Salt, Chengdu, 30g; Dye, Tsingtao, 18g; Beads, The Institute, 30g; Oil, Knudafoldur, 25g; Beads, Kazan, 28g; Gold, Hiccup, 25g; Oil, Kundavik, 37g; Silk, Bokhara, 158g; Gold, Melbourne, 38g; Wine, Aleppo, 53g; Dye, Karakorum, 51g; Wine, Khanbalik, 44g; Gold, Shangtu, 47g; Gold, Kabul, 45g;
1802 = Celebration in Melbourne, Kazan, Shangtu, Khanbalik; Marketplace in Trondheim; Bank in Borkehide; Lutefisk @ 19; Food to Lutefisk; Salt, Hladir, 22g; Silver, Lutefisk-Seville, 100g; Gems, Cape Whale, 29g; Gems, Hoopla, 21g; Coal, Edge of Mankind, 88g; Beads, Narvik, 38g; Gems, sydney, 45g; Cloth, Pamplona, 82g; Box Full;
Lord - I have had enough - please enjoy this game - note to my successor - before you look at the 60% luxury rate and slap it down - please consider the effect of all the celebrating cities - basically we are earning fractionally more trade arrows (to be applied to cash and science) than we would do if we took the luxuries off - IMO any reduction below 40% would be catastrophic... but play your own game.