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  • Creating

    Okay, I've been playing CivII for a couple of years now, and have enjoyed completing the game on all levels and in every way possible. So now, I've been trying to create my own scenarios. I have to ask those of you experienced scenario creaters (even if this my be one of the stupidest questions ever asked to you)... how can I create a city where I want it without having to wait for the AI to build there on its own? I know there has to be a way... but I lost my manuals a good while back if the answer is in there. Help me out, please! Thanks

  • #2
    Change the settler move value to zero (just to make double sure they don't run off by accident), and create one (Cheat > Create Unit) where you want to found your city. As you progress through the tribes from white to purple (Cheat > Set Human Player {Don't end your turn}), found your cities.


    • #3
      its easy. Im (cough cough)assuming that your are working each civ until it is basiclly ready. Just right click on the hex you want the city, create a settler there and boom instant city


      • #4
        check out the Scenario League.Tons of good info there

        link at bottom of page
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

