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Surprise win

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  • Surprise win

    I finished a game last night and to my surprise, I actually won. I didn't think that would happen because the estimated AC arrival times for my ship and the evil AI Zulu ship were one year apart, with the Zulu arriving in 1992 and my Russians in 1993. Knowing this, I sat down for my last turn in 1991 and waited for the Zulu ship to land, beating me by one year. However, to my surprise my Russians landed in 1992, giving me the win. I went from bummed to thrilled. I have never seen an AI or human player AC estimated landing be that far off. Granted, it was only one turn, but it was in that one turn that I thought I was going to be beaten. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
    "Three word posts suck!" - me

    "...and I never will play the Wild Rover no more..." - Various

  • #2
    I don't think I've ever had the AI send a ship to AC, let alone actually have to race it. The date they give you for arrival is an estimate? Wow, you'd think if we were sending 10,000 colonists to AC we'd have a better idea of their arrival time!

    I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


    • #3
      I think this is a case of rounding errors. Say the estimate was 12.7 years, it would say 13 years but land in the 12th year.

      Just think: if you played as the French or Germans you would have lost.
      "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


      • #4

        I wish I could say the same about not having to race an AI spaceship to AC. I just started winning at Deity and have been going the tech race/AC route without initiating any wars as a strategy. So far so good, but this one has me a little puzzled.

        I'm pretty sure when you launch your spaceship, you are given an estimated landing date. Yes, you would think that if a civ had the technology to go to another solar system that they would know exactly when they would get there. Must be that space/time thing that is confusing them.
        "Three word posts suck!" - me

        "...and I never will play the Wild Rover no more..." - Various


        • #5
          The travel time would've been rounded, and because you were the white civ, your turn came first.

          Which, I've just realised, somebody else just said too.

          Mono Rules!
          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


          • #6
            Hang on guys! Surely in SP the human player plays first! so it doesn't matter which Civ you have selected... Now in MP...
            the SGs in concert
            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #7
              Scouse Gits: In SP the order of play is very determined by the colour: White goes first, purple last. So if there's a race to build a wonder the highest colour player has the advantage.

              Easy proof: Start a SP game, choose purple, check the Top Five Cities report. Everyone else has already built theirs.


              You know I feel unsettled by all these Civ players who play at Deity and win consistently. I play rarely, and only as King and still find myself in the situation above.
              "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


              • #8
                I have never raced but, I have had my ship arrive 1 year before it said it would.
                The Mad Mad Ruler of the World


                • #9
                  Congratulations on your win! I had a game similar to that one once. I was playing as the Zulus. The Russians launched a spaceship identical to mine the same turn I did. I won the game by spending almost 120,000 gold in four turns to bribe enemy units and plant nukes in the capital. I captured the city one turn before their spaceship would have beaten mine to Alpha Centauri.


                  • #10
                    Hey, if fate is on your side and you win, don't complain.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #11
                      i bet i could think of some sweeter victories.... like not have my but whooped by the AI! Or not letting the AI even get tanks!


                      "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
                      -Homer Simpson

                      "Ecky ecky ecky!"
                      "It's just a flesh wound!"
                      - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

                      Check out my 1602 A.D. site


                      • #12
                        If you could reach AC without initiating any warfare and no AI had yet discovered or stolen Mobile Warfare, now that would be a sweet victory. But can it be done?
                        "Three word posts suck!" - me

                        "...and I never will play the Wild Rover no more..." - Various


                        • #13
                          I love those wins where you make a last minute comeback, like every city of yours has been conquered except for your capital. You desperately launch for AC, but all the AIs are attacking you. Your last defender falls, leaving your city defenceless, and tanks are one square away. But then your colonists arrive on AC, just in time. There couldn't be a sweeter victory.

                          Long live the Communists!
                          -- SilverDragon


                          • #14
                            There was one time when I found myself in the unfortunate position of playing gooseberry in a shooting war.

                            I was the Chinese, and because it was my first go on the game, I was playing badly on Prince. I found myself sandwiched between the Zulus and Americans, and unable to make much of an impact on their cities, as my dragoons didn't have much of an effect on their Armor units.

                            Finally, having lost an Explorer to dodgy Zone of Control problems, I checked back and found that the Americans had left a border city completely undefended!

                            My explorer had a good explore and conquered the city. I happily took Mobile Warfare, and won back the entire Asian continent before the game ended!
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #15

                              I was the Chinese, and because it was my first go on the game, I was playing badly on Prince. I found myself sandwiched between the Zulus and Americans, and unable to make much of an impact on their cities, as my dragoons didn't have much of an effect on their Armor units.

                              Gee...I can imagine it now, dragoons flying against smoothbore guns
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

