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Handles, handles, handles...

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  • My name is Neil. I live in Australia.
    Hence Neil In Oz.

    "I have found you can find happiness in slavery"
    "I have found you can find happiness in slavery"


    • Comes from my original playing style, which was basically beat the crap out of every other civ till I ruled the world. I had tried several times to make it to AC but never did till after I started reading the posts here at Apolyton. Now of course, I play it both ways, beat the crap out of everyone WHILE making it to AC Just to know, I never actually use this name for myself in Civ2, I either go for the default name, or come up with something funny, cute, or stupid (or a combination thereof). I've lately taken a liking to playing the Mongols for some strange reason (go figure)

      The Mad Mad Ruler of the World
      The Mad Mad Ruler of the World


      • neilinoz, I bet your civ strategies are magical...


        [This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited January 28, 2000).]


        • We are slow but get our battles done.

          Fear, pikemen! For you have no bonus against us!


          • My handle comes from years ago when I played alot of the board game "Stratego" by Milton Bradley. It's a sweet military strategy game. And the #1 ranking piece in the game is the Marshal(also called Field Marshal) I used to wreck all my friends, so I took the highest rank. Klesh is a name I guess I made up.....I played Stratego a looong time ago....not really sure where it came from. But the name stuck and I use it here.

            By the way, I'm not some racist looser trying to live out his homo-erotic Aryan fantasies via CivII. The name has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.


            • Stratego, now there's a great game!

              Me and my brother had a copy, we even wrote down favourite starting positions. The field marshal was good, but as in CivII, there was also the spy...

              Think it's available for the PC too.



              • No, this topic will NOT fall from the first page, damnit!


                • damn you're right

                  ThermiteB(that's me!) RLZ like HELL!!!!!!!!!!
                  "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                  "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                  • Peacemaker is my nickname my softball team gave when they read in the paper that I brought peace to Northen Ireland(or at least someone with my name David Trimble). This also won me er him the Noble Peace Prize. I'm still looking for the prize money
                    [This message has been edited by Peacemaker (edited February 10, 2000).]


                    • Hello!
                      To Sten Sture: There are similarities between swedish and german. The german "stur" means "stubborn". Could be used as name, I guess.
                      My handle's my name. I don't need better memory, my computer does.
                      Bye, Dirk
                      "Dirks and Daggers may hurt"

                      [This message has been edited by DirkZelwis (edited February 14, 2000).]
                      Bye, Dirk
                      "Dirks and Daggers"


                      • Welcome, Dirk.
                        I hope you enjoy it here.

                        Scouse Git[1]

                        "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • I swear my handle has nothing to do with my being stubborn!
                          Be the bid!


                          • Well i didn't see my name on here before... so even if it was here it is again

                            Last year (9th grade) in math class i had made a bunch of new friends, and i sat in front of one of my best friends. Being teenage boys, we were very perverted all through class. Well one day we were talking about S&M, and the girl sitting in front of me inquired to what it meant. As of that time i had an idea, but i didn't actually know the exact meaning to S and M (it's sadochism and masochism [pardon the spellings]), so i just told her to guess, acting like i knew the whole time. Well, she asked to two boys sitting to the side of me, and they all began guessing. We went to lunch shortly afterwards, and they were yelling ideas at me the whole time. Well, at one point the girl just yells out it's SEX AND MONKEYS! HaHaHaHA well i didn't stop laughing for a while after that... man was SHE made fun of for a while.... haha Beastology! And to make it better there was a picture of this monkey at the front of the room... we suspected it was her lover! Heh heh yeah i guess i am still pretty sick, but that day was sooooo much fun. Well yeah, so in reality my name isn't Sand Monkey, it's really S and Monkey.

                            P.S. at the end of lunch we all decided that sex and mutilation was a fit definition, not too far from the truth!


                            "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
                            -Homer Simpson

                            "Ecky eck ecky!"
                            "It's just a flesh wound!"
                            - Monty Python and the Holy Grail


                            • I was under the impression that it meant Slave & Master, but Sadomasochism is also a possibility.

                              What does R&R mean?

                              St. Leo
                              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                              • quote:

                                What does R&R mean?

                                Are you sure you want to know?
                                i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_^=_,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Mark -*/

