We all know the golden rule; the farther away and the bigger the demanding city is, the more gold the caravan will collect. But does the same go for the amount of 'trade-arrows' in the respective cities?
I thought it did, until i actually tested it in a scenario (Joel André's Crusades). I had a traderoute open from Caïro (size 18) to Constantinople (size 16), which is 25 squares away. That generates 18 'trade-arrows'. Then i discovered Iceland. For testing i put a new city on the island and edited it to size 25. That city was 63 squares away from Caïro, and yes, the caravan generated more gold than the caravan to Constantinople, but the 'trade-arrows' amount was a measly 8 ... AAARRGH!!! The distance was 63! squares for crying out loud. And it had nothing to do with the city being mine, in fact i let it be captured by the Holy Roman Empire and tried again to no avail.
Then i figured maybe it was because the traderoute was brand new and maybe extra 'trade-arrows' get added every so many turns. So i built another city near Caïro, edited it to size 25 and tried again... AAARRGH! It generated just 2! fooking 'trade-arrows' with the city in Iceland and 6 with Constantinople.
Please can anyone explain me what the KruD is going on here? ...please
ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by AkwaticDudeCity (edited March 14, 2000).]</font>
I thought it did, until i actually tested it in a scenario (Joel André's Crusades). I had a traderoute open from Caïro (size 18) to Constantinople (size 16), which is 25 squares away. That generates 18 'trade-arrows'. Then i discovered Iceland. For testing i put a new city on the island and edited it to size 25. That city was 63 squares away from Caïro, and yes, the caravan generated more gold than the caravan to Constantinople, but the 'trade-arrows' amount was a measly 8 ... AAARRGH!!! The distance was 63! squares for crying out loud. And it had nothing to do with the city being mine, in fact i let it be captured by the Holy Roman Empire and tried again to no avail.
Then i figured maybe it was because the traderoute was brand new and maybe extra 'trade-arrows' get added every so many turns. So i built another city near Caïro, edited it to size 25 and tried again... AAARRGH! It generated just 2! fooking 'trade-arrows' with the city in Iceland and 6 with Constantinople.
Please can anyone explain me what the KruD is going on here? ...please

ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by AkwaticDudeCity (edited March 14, 2000).]</font>