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I Failed!!

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  • I Failed!!

    after reading and rereading Paul's OCC guide several times, I decided it was time to try it out. it would be the first win for me at deity.

    I looked around and couldn't find a decent spot for my city. finally settled on a place with 1 whale, 1 buffalo, and a bunch of rivers. built city in 3150 BC

    it was quite a trip going for collossus. the only reason I got it was because nobody else was building it. copernicus came off nicely, but I had to race for shakespeare, and was nearly beaten to issac. beat the romans by one turn.

    then things settled down nicely. I had built my 2 engineers and produced lots of pollution, getting an advance every other turn. I monitored my relations with the other civs, and whenever they dropped below enthusiastic, I would give them a few techs.

    then a neighbor who had built a city overlapping mine complained of the pollution and declared WAR. I didn't have the military to back up my status. in 5 turns he took my city, refusing all communication.

    I've got to go back and try it again.

    any advice?
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn

  • #2
    I tried this OOC thingy once. Never was able to research fast enough. Is it important to find the others early and trade a lot? I have never used caravans much actually.
    We are the apt, you will be packaged.


    • #3
      "I looked around and couldn't find a decent spot for my city. finally settled on a place with 1 whale, 1 buffalo, and a bunch of rivers. built city in 3150 BC"

      If you didn't build til 3150 you should have found a few non-units. Or a few spys away from your city to bribe units that will be nons. If you can't find choke points, these units should be patrolling outside of your city radius. AI settlers will not establish a city if you have a unit next to them. If you let them build a city that can overlap yours, you're in trouble. And should be avoided at all costs.. If you're looking to just win and not set a record, then try leos, to upgrade those early non-units. We used to do that before it was determined that it was totally unneccessary.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        Originally posted by rah

        If you didn't build til 3150 you should have found a few non-units. Or a few spys away from your city to bribe units that will be nons. If you can't find choke points, these units should be patrolling outside of your city radius. AI settlers will not establish a city if you have a unit next to them. If you let them build a city that can overlap yours, you're in trouble. And should be avoided at all costs.. If you're looking to just win and not set a record, then try leos, to upgrade those early non-units. We used to do that before it was determined that it was totally unneccessary.

        These guys were pretty mean. settled 2 cities overlapping my city. their other cities were all close to their home, about 2 city radius' away.

        I did have a couple of chariots and archers I had picked up, but had them exploring the world, as the guide says to seek out all the civs for better science effect. to bring a couple home and patrol was something I never thought of.

        Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

        I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
        ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


        • #5
          Re: I Failed!!

          Originally posted by Father Beast

          I've got to go back and try it again.

          any advice?
          I love OCC and play nothing else on Civ2 now. I have found that the earlier you can get your 3 trade routes going, the better your chances. Plus, if you don't have a city by 3200BC, restart. Also, if you discover techs in huts prior to Monarchy your chances are greatly reduced. The more techs you 'discover' before Monarchy, the longer it takes to discover Monarchy and early Monarchy is a key to winning. Also, once you launch your ship the other Civ's will turn on you and start to attack, so be prepared. If you have the resources to support additional units, consider building a tank and a fighter unit prior to discovering Space Flight. The fighter unit will fend off some of the Bomber units and the tank is good defense/attack. You should have the resources to build a defensive unit per turn after launching and you will need to. Also, Walls and Coastal Fortresses are useful as needed. The nice thing about OCC is even if you lose at the last minute, you haven't invested days or weeks in a game. But it is still frustrating. The thing I hate is a Civ that will build a spaceship that only take 5-6 years to AC and beats you by a year.
          Here's a link.


          • #6
            Re: Re: I Failed!!

            Originally posted by MBloomIII

            I love OCC and play nothing else on Civ2 now. I have found that the earlier you can get your 3 trade routes going, the better your chances. Plus, if you don't have a city by 3200BC, restart. Also, if you discover techs in huts prior to Monarchy your chances are greatly reduced. The more techs you 'discover' before Monarchy, the longer it takes to discover Monarchy and early Monarchy is a key to winning. Also, once you launch your ship the other Civ's will turn on you and start to attack, so be prepared. If you have the resources to support additional units, consider building a tank and a fighter unit prior to discovering Space Flight. The fighter unit will fend off some of the Bomber units and the tank is good defense/attack. You should have the resources to build a defensive unit per turn after launching and you will need to. Also, Walls and Coastal Fortresses are useful as needed. The nice thing about OCC is even if you lose at the last minute, you haven't invested days or weeks in a game. But it is still frustrating. The thing I hate is a Civ that will build a spaceship that only take 5-6 years to AC and beats you by a year.
            You must be right about monarchy. I got a few techs from huts before founding, and it took FOREVER to get to monarchy. I also couldn't research along the path to monarchy for 3 techs in a row!!!

            good advice. I'm jumping back in.
            Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

            I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
            ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


            • #7
              Samson and Solo, in their race for the perfect game, found an alternate gov't strategy to be more effective than monarchy. There was a thread or two about this a month or two ago.

              The basic idea is to avoid monarchy and research directly to republic. The lack of the monarchy techs cuts research cost; Republic speeds research. Later, you can trade for the techs you ignored. Obviously, this puts more focus on early production, but the right starting spot can make this approach work very well.

              I'm far from a master at this, but have found it to be an interesting way to start the game.
              The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

              The gift of speech is given to many,
              intelligence to few.


              • #8
                It really depends on (as Marquis pointed out) early production. If you've got excess production (no such thing, I know) then go straight to Rep. If not, Monarchy's a good intermediate. Always trade for techs, but stop trading somewhere around The Corporation to be safe. You'll go faster if you're willing to trade past this, but then the comp'll have a better chance of beating you to AC. Get all the alliances you can, gift techs to these allies, and then ask them for gifts (especially if they don't have any extra useless techs). Rushbuy infrastructure (esp. library/marketplace/univ/bank/stockx) and incremental rushbuy camels. Don't rushbuy wonders.

                I'm no expert, but after a dozen or so successes on OCC Deity, it's becoming pretty routine with a good start.
                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                Killing it is the new killing it
                Ultima Ratio Regum


                • #9
                  That republic thing might be the way to go. Starting again, I found a site with 2 pheasant, 1 wheat, and 1 wine. My production is a bit up to start with, and I just got code of laws. Maybe I'll go for republic first thing.

                  an odd thing about my first try. I got lucky and researched all my govs on oedo years. Monarchy, Republic, Democracy, all got right into. spent the whole game without going into anarchy. and I don't even have the chart available!
                  Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                  I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                  ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                  • #10
                    FB - at the risk of sounding somewhat blase - we have just posted a new thread on the Civ2 - strategy forum called - "Come! Laugh at an SG!" in which we have given a turn by turn recital of our latest random map Deity game - we hope that it will serve two purposes - one - perhaps it will help people such as yourself who are still seeking their first Deity victory and two ourselves when we are inevitably torn to shreds by the real experts - please have alook and let us know if it does in fact offer any help to you ...
                    The SGs deep in a bottle of Merlot sur Pinot Noir sur Vouvray
                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

