im playing a game (prince, raging, bloodlust) in witch I saw a mongol warrior (!) wander by my cavalry, now before you say that it becouse im on prince, it cant be becouse the spanish are right on my heels and the english are equal with me.
so does someone want to explain why the mongols best unit is a horseman
? is it becouse they are the mongols, becouse they started on england (europe map, random civ placement). im just curios becouse as of now i can detach 1-2 cavalry units and wipe out all there cities on the mainland.
and i have a AI cheat that i think is pretty bad, they get FREE irrigation, infact i have a save were they have irigation ON TOP OF A HUT!!
just curios if anyone new of this.

and i have a AI cheat that i think is pretty bad, they get FREE irrigation, infact i have a save were they have irigation ON TOP OF A HUT!!
