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The worst cheat ever ???

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  • The worst cheat ever ???

    Hi everybody. Here’s the cheat that I’ve just discovered, or at least that I had never heard anybody talk about. It’s so bad I wonder if all the others have not had their tongue cut before they could speak. Or maybe it only works with my computer (W95/MGE).
    Anyway, here it is. When you are in the middle of a turn, save the game, load another one, and load again the first one. You press end of turn, your cities produce and your still in the same year. And you can repeat the process. The only units that move are the one that have just been created during the turn; but population grows, science beakers deliver and income comes in the coffer. OCC size 1 on the polar cap in 4000 BC !!!!!!!
    But it is a HUGE cheat ! Does anyone else knew of it, does it work for anyone else. It certainly doesn’t work for MP but in SP ...
    Do I need to precise that I discovered it accidently and that I swear never to use it ?
    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe

  • #2
    Doesn't work for me.With wait at end of turn or not.
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Nor for me - Win 98SE/MGE (Julius' NoLimits Patch) - so sad ...
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #4
        How do I press 'end of turn'? Is it right next to the 'any' key?

        And we believe you, Julius. You never use this, right guys?
        Frodo lives!


        • #5
          KCBOB: Don't be an "English speaking" snob. Look at the place of origin under the name of the poster. If a guy is from Switzerland, you should understand that he speaks fluently, at a minimum, French and German. He also probably speaks Italian, so English is his 4th language!!! Anyway, you knew what he meant.

          Plus I think this is the guy who developed the no-limits civ.exe file so show some respect...

          Anyway, this cheat doesn't work for me either.


          • #6
            Originally posted by fittstim
            KCBOB: Don't be an "English speaking" snob. Look at the place of origin under the name of the poster. If a guy is from Switzerland, you should understand that he speaks fluently, at a minimum, French and German. He also probably speaks Italian, so English is his 4th language!!! Anyway, you knew what he meant.

            Plus I think this is the guy who developed the no-limits civ.exe file so show some respect...

            Anyway, this cheat doesn't work for me either.
            Fit, I'm not an "English speaking" snob. Julius and I go way back and I consider him a good friend on these boards. We've even played a game of chess on this forum (although he beat the tar out of me!). I'm well aware of his place of origin as that has affected the many "succession" games we've been involved in together.

            I was serious asking about the "end of turn" option. I wasn't sure if that was something I've missed in the game. My "any key" comment was meant to be a humorous statement to draw away from any lack of communication skills that Julius or I might display. The
            faces were meant to show that all was in good fun.

            Let me finnish by saying, no offense was taken by your comments. After all, it's just a game, n'est-ce pas?
            Frodo lives!


            • #7
              Oui c'est vrai...

              No offense meant, just defense.


              • #8
                Now that we've got that all cleared up, I just re-read my last post and saw that I misspelled 'finish'.

                BTW. What the heck is supposed to be graphically displaying??? Talk about .
                Frodo lives!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kcbob

                  I was serious asking about the "end of turn" option. I wasn't sure if that was something I've missed in the game
                  Well, to get back on topic...yes, you have missed this in the game. It is a feature that stops the computer from blasting into the AI movement phase, and allows you to recheck production etc at the end of your turn. It is an option in the game menu I believe. I have left the feature on since I found it, very handy indeed.



                  • #10
                    Thanks, FMK. Now that you mention it, I do remember something like that in some drop down menu. I'll have to go revisit those tonight.
                    Frodo lives!


                    • #11
                      Well, of course that it’s all in good fun ! And yes, Kcbob you are a good friend in this boards. And I am sorry if I make mistakes because I could avoid them if I am careful. It’s just that I write quite fast and don’t read again what I’ve written.
                      I’m surprised that it works for no one but me. Let me try to explain again with a concrete example this time. I play as Caesar and save the game in 3000 BC. I load another game, let’s say Cleopatra in 3500 BC. I play a few turns with Cleopatra and then load Caesar again. In the next turn I am still in 3000 BC ! As simple as that, at least for me. And totally useless, as far as I know.
                      Hmmm got an idea. Maybe it only worked because the AI had no city ! I started on a premade gigamap to try to maximize population, full of river and full of specials and each AI tribe started on a tiny island of ice and never build a city. It could be the explanation. Try that too ! Premade map is the only “cheat” I would authorize myself !
                      Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                      • #12
                        There is an end turn keyboard shortcut.It is command+N.It is only in MGE.It is a nasty little thing that allows missiles and aircraft unlimited moves and triremes never sink but at least mine doesn't allow what Julius is reporting.

                        And yes,it works in MP also(end turn shortcut)
                        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                        • #13
                          I have noticed this cheat before, Julius, but I never bothered to fully exploit it.


                          • #14
                            Thanks Ostrander ! So I didn't dream and so my computer works fine ! What a relief !!! This is a tedious but powerful cheat, but what's the point of cheating anyway ?
                            It's just that I was surprised to discover it as it looked to me that all possible cheat had been invented and widely spread
                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                            • #15

                              Before switching to 2.42 I also noticed this a few times with MGE on Windows '98, but could not explain why or how a game year was repeated, and concluded it was some sort of quirk or glitch in the game or the Microsoft operating system. I have not noticed this effect in 2.42 at all.

                              If used as a cheat, I think its power would be its own undoing. Careful study of the logs of any games where it was in use to any extent would reveal its effects.

