Following Hydey's retirement, Antlericus II is elected President in AD 880.
AD 900: A new temple to Quetzalcoatl opens in Tula. Our wise men have made up for their earlier blunders by discovering how to build bridges. A Babylonian militia attacks some of our settlers and is annihilated.
AD 920: An attempt to invade Babylonia is met with severe protests in Tula. To satisfy them, the forces assigned to invade are withdrawn. The city of Coatepec is founded just north of Trondheim. Antlericus II manages to secure a peace treaty with Babylonia.
AD 940: The Russians land a force of charioteers with catapult support in the Yucatan. They've also begun production on the Lighthouse. They demand the technology of Gunpowder, and we refuse. They then agree to a peace treaty. Antlericus II orders production on a project codenamed "Leonardo's Workshop." Exactly what this is is unclear, but it has something to do with military equipment. Also, we discover Chemistry.
AD 960: Chalchihuites is founded.
AD 980: Tlalmanalco and Chalco complete some temples.
AD 1000: In response to the High Council meeting in Texcoco without his permission, Antlericus II promptly executes all other members of the High Council.
Supply caravans reach Tenochtitlan, the center of the "Leonardo's Workshop" project.
AD 1020: Tamuin sets aside space for a Marketplace. Navigation is discovered. Simply because it sounds promising (and because he's a pyromaniac), Antlericus II orders research on explosives.
AD 1040: Teotihuacan completes its Marketplace.
AD 1060: Our diplomats report that the Russian forces abandoned Smolensk to barbarian pirates.
AD 1080: King Richard's Crusade is completed in York. We complete research on Explosives.
AD 1100: St. Petersburg completes The Lighthouse. As soon as possible, we will direct our research path so as to render it useless
AD 1120: A food caravan reaches Atxcapotzalco.
AD 1140: It's a bloody AI conspiracy! Can't research anything going to Magnetism. Feudalism research complete, now researching Metallurgy.
AD 1160: AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!! Tenochtitlan is in CD. Can't make citizens entertainers without causing starvation. As a temporary fix, luxury rates are raised to 20%; science is down to 60%, but it's worth it. We're still pumping out discoveries every five turns (soon to be four).
AD 1180: Mass celebrations throughout the Empire. Leo's Workshop rushbuilt in Tenochtitlan.
AD 1200: Research on metalworking complete. Now researching basic physics. Leo's Workshop complete! Its effects are felt immediately, as most of our units are upgraded and equipped with more advanced weaponry and equipment.
AD 1220: Adam Smith's Trading Company is rushed in Texcoco.
AD 1240: Adam Smith's Trading Company complete! Antlericus II celebrates this and the new Courthouse in Teotihuacan by having the entire High Council executed again
With this project complete, the merchants and civil engineers are apparently more willing to do volunteer work to maintain our urban infrastructure.
AD 1280: The long reign of Antlericus II ends.
Following Antlericus II's retirement, the census-takers and statisticians compiled this interesting list of facts about the Aztec Empire:
Approval Rating: 67% (1st)
Population: 5,660,000 (1st)
GNP: $315,000,000 (1st)
Manufactured goods: 196 MTons (1st)
Area: 924,000 mi2 (1st)
Literacy: 80% (1st)
Disease: 20% (1st)
Pollutants: None (1st)
Life expectancy: 45 years (1st)
Family size: 4.4 children/family (1st)
Military Service: 2 yrs (7th)
Annual Income: $74 per capita (1st)
Productivity: 62 (1st)
As you can see, Antlericus II didn't believe much in force, except when it came to his advisers.
Oh, and Rasputin? I think the Babylonians might have snuck some units behind my lines (they've denied it), and those dang Russkies are still there. Don't screw up and declare war on either of them, ok?
AD 900: A new temple to Quetzalcoatl opens in Tula. Our wise men have made up for their earlier blunders by discovering how to build bridges. A Babylonian militia attacks some of our settlers and is annihilated.
AD 920: An attempt to invade Babylonia is met with severe protests in Tula. To satisfy them, the forces assigned to invade are withdrawn. The city of Coatepec is founded just north of Trondheim. Antlericus II manages to secure a peace treaty with Babylonia.
AD 940: The Russians land a force of charioteers with catapult support in the Yucatan. They've also begun production on the Lighthouse. They demand the technology of Gunpowder, and we refuse. They then agree to a peace treaty. Antlericus II orders production on a project codenamed "Leonardo's Workshop." Exactly what this is is unclear, but it has something to do with military equipment. Also, we discover Chemistry.
AD 960: Chalchihuites is founded.
AD 980: Tlalmanalco and Chalco complete some temples.
AD 1000: In response to the High Council meeting in Texcoco without his permission, Antlericus II promptly executes all other members of the High Council.

AD 1020: Tamuin sets aside space for a Marketplace. Navigation is discovered. Simply because it sounds promising (and because he's a pyromaniac), Antlericus II orders research on explosives.

AD 1040: Teotihuacan completes its Marketplace.
AD 1060: Our diplomats report that the Russian forces abandoned Smolensk to barbarian pirates.
AD 1080: King Richard's Crusade is completed in York. We complete research on Explosives.
AD 1100: St. Petersburg completes The Lighthouse. As soon as possible, we will direct our research path so as to render it useless

AD 1120: A food caravan reaches Atxcapotzalco.
AD 1140: It's a bloody AI conspiracy! Can't research anything going to Magnetism. Feudalism research complete, now researching Metallurgy.
AD 1160: AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!! Tenochtitlan is in CD. Can't make citizens entertainers without causing starvation. As a temporary fix, luxury rates are raised to 20%; science is down to 60%, but it's worth it. We're still pumping out discoveries every five turns (soon to be four).
AD 1180: Mass celebrations throughout the Empire. Leo's Workshop rushbuilt in Tenochtitlan.
AD 1200: Research on metalworking complete. Now researching basic physics. Leo's Workshop complete! Its effects are felt immediately, as most of our units are upgraded and equipped with more advanced weaponry and equipment.
AD 1220: Adam Smith's Trading Company is rushed in Texcoco.
AD 1240: Adam Smith's Trading Company complete! Antlericus II celebrates this and the new Courthouse in Teotihuacan by having the entire High Council executed again

AD 1280: The long reign of Antlericus II ends.
Following Antlericus II's retirement, the census-takers and statisticians compiled this interesting list of facts about the Aztec Empire:
Approval Rating: 67% (1st)
Population: 5,660,000 (1st)
GNP: $315,000,000 (1st)
Manufactured goods: 196 MTons (1st)
Area: 924,000 mi2 (1st)
Literacy: 80% (1st)
Disease: 20% (1st)
Pollutants: None (1st)
Life expectancy: 45 years (1st)
Family size: 4.4 children/family (1st)
Military Service: 2 yrs (7th)
Annual Income: $74 per capita (1st)
Productivity: 62 (1st)
As you can see, Antlericus II didn't believe much in force, except when it came to his advisers.

Oh, and Rasputin? I think the Babylonians might have snuck some units behind my lines (they've denied it), and those dang Russkies are still there. Don't screw up and declare war on either of them, ok?
