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Don't take away the music

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  • Don't take away the music

    I play Civ II MPG regularly. After upgrading some hardware (more memory, a new TNT2 video card, and a new CD RW), the next time I went to play Civilization, I couldn't hear the background music! I still can hear event sounds, intro music, diplomatic window music, and the council speaking. The game plays fine otherwise. I have no problem with other games. Well I haven't played all I have but up to now... ;-)
    One thing that may be important is that my PC only supports one audio source from CD, and the technician left it connected to the new CD RW. However I have noticed that in all other games I can still hear their noises even if playing from the CD ROM. I can hear music CD's just fine from the CD RW.
    Here's what I have already tried:
    -Check if the Music option is on (duh).
    -Reboot the computer.
    -Uncheck the Music option and then check it on again.
    -The above, then reboot the computer.
    -Uninstall the game, and reinstall it and play it from the CD ROM.
    -Uninstall the game, and reinstall it and play it from the CD RW.
    I hate playing in silence, and I'm out of ideas. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    i am having the same problem.....
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #3
      Yep - it is a pain - the problem is fairly well known ...

      Civ2 being quite an old game uses conventional 'red book?' audio for its music - ie you can actually play the music tracks froma CD player

      Civ2 being quite an old game doesn't bother to check its configuration file when it is playing music - just uses the the first (it assumes only) CD it comes to

      Conventional PC wisdom dictates that the CD-RW is placed as the second CD drive E:\ after the normal CD/DVD in D:\

      Hence your problem ... only your CD-RW can play 'red book' and Civ2 won't look at it

      Towards a solution ...

      There are several approaches you can take ...

      fire up your favourite music player software and play the music from the CD-RW - this will probably screw up the other game related audio that is on the CD ie the wonder movies and heralds

      Use System Properties from the control Panel menu to reconfigure your CD-RW as D:\ and your DVD/CD as E:\ - this should be done with great care as other software probably thinks it knows where they are

      open the box and move the audio link from the CD-RW onto the CD/DVD

      if you have a high spec sound card you can enable direct digital audio - this dispenses with the physical (analogue) audio cable link between CDD & sound card

      if none of the above are feasible - come back and I may have some more bright ideas ...
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #4
        The music isn't that good to be worrying about it so much is it?
        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


        • #5
          I just play MP3's, I've gotten so incredibly tired of the civ 2 music, I know it by heart
          I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


          • #6
            Thanks for all the replies, especially the one about technical aspects which was very clear.
            Knowing the source of the problem, and that it isn't something BAD like corrupted drivers or something, helps a lot to stop worrying about it. You guys are right, the music isn't that much of a deal. In fact, last night I played listening to the Beatles.
            I will save the suggested fixes, but I think that implementing them may be more bother than it's worth.


