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How Often Do You Press the Wrong Directional Arrow Key?

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  • #31
    I'll go you one better. In a computer with just the 4 cursor keys, I have to use the "Go to" arrow to attack. After the attack (if successful) the unit moves into the vacated square. AND if it's a ship like an ironclad shelling a city, it keeps attacking until it's GONE


    • #32
      Test with other keys on the computer and I'm sure you'll find the other 4 move directions. (insert,home,delete,end,pageup,pagedown) are your most likely culprits. I know them by feel, just can't always remember.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #33

        Around 2-3 times a game... There should be an undo key

        I press it when I think a unit I am moving still has movement points, but it turns out it doesn't...
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rocket48
          I'll go you one better. In a computer with just the 4 cursor keys, I have to use the "Go to" arrow to attack. After the attack (if successful) the unit moves into the vacated square. AND if it's a ship like an ironclad shelling a city, it keeps attacking until it's GONE
          what a nightmare , why don't you buy a new keyboard? Are you using an Amiga

          For the wrong movements, it happens sometimes... Usually when I'm moving units on railroad, through big continents...


          • #35
            Hey Rocket48,

            Somewhere in one of the option menus is a setting called "allow moves with cursor" or "mouse" or something like that. If you turn it on, you can move in any of the 8 directions using your mouse/trackpad/trackball/etc. Just move the cursor close to the unit you're moving and the cursor will turn into an arrow. Click and the unit moves in the direction the arrow's pointing. The arrow will point up when the cursor is just above the unit, or point left when the cursor is just to the left of the unit, etc. I used to have a laptop with only the 4 arrow keys and that was the only way I could find to fix it.
            -HOWITZER AL-
            Some complain that God put thorns on roses,
            While others rejoice that He put roses among the thorns.

