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CPU player reputation

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  • CPU player reputation

    I toggleded the cheat mode the turn after the CPU player broke a peace treaty and selected him as a human player. Checked the foreign advisor and it was spotless. I looked at Edit King option adn rep was set to 0(Spotless). I broke the another peace treaty and checked it again and it was set to 1 (Excelent).
    This very unfair and maybe one of the reasons the CPU doesn't fight much with each other. Is there a patch that can fix it?

  • #2 could try saving a game as a scenario and set up vendettas,attitudes and such.But in the end they will all hate you.It is you vs a single entity.
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Computer is cheating to counter-balance is lake of intelligence.

      So even your a good civ (no treaties broken, gift of gold or science), the IA civs will have tendancies to hate and distruth you.
      Zobo Ze Warrior
      Your brain is your worst enemy!


      • #4
        If you are playing the MPE edition of Civ, they are going to hate you no matter what you do. You might as well be a total slime dog. Since reputation has no effect on scoring, why bother keeping a spotless reputation. I hope this is corrected in Civ III. You should gain some real advantages by having a spotless reputation.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5

          Originally posted by Ming on 04-20-2001 08:59 AM
          If you are playing the MPE edition of Civ, they are going to hate you no matter what you do. You might as well be a total slime dog. Since reputation has no effect on scoring, why bother keeping a spotless reputation. I hope this is corrected in Civ III. You should gain some real advantages by having a spotless reputation.

          I agree, diplomatic achievements should be rewarded.

          As for MGE, I found out there are ways to keep their opinion of you up a bit, but it's a bit weird and doesn'T work regularly... well, sometimes they're "only" uncooperative, so you only have to give some tech o rgold to make them cheer a bit, but they still become very icy or even hostile after a while.


          • #6
            Even playing 2.42 there is a threshold built into the game whereby in the year 1750 (and thereafter), if the human player is Supreme the A1s will all start to hate that civ whether they did so before or not. You can check this by looking at your standing the turn before and then on that turn. You will drop with all of them.

            After that year you start to see secret alliances to contain your aggression form and the A1 civs start exchanging techs among themselves like crazy.

            A particular aspect of this that used to give me trouble was that I found I became vulnerable to neighbours stealing techs. I will have reduced the neighbour civ to the point it was no threat rendering the theft itself insignificant. Trouble is that, after 1750, within a turn or two that tech would be in the hands of the more distant civs which I may not yet have hit hard enough to render innocuous.

            Nothing more irksome than to find the Mongols suddenly able to defend with riflemen just when your fleet of super-ironclads is getting into position. Or, if the game has gone faster, to find them able to build cruise missiles when you have been devoting a lot of resources into assembling a carrier/battleship fleet.

            Of course the riflemen or the missiles will appear on the self same damn turn they get the tech - of that you can be very sure.

            Nowadays I'm circumspect about opening up too easy a route to my cities for spy/diplo infiltration.

