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Lightening succession game

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  • Lightening succession game

    This is the first heads up for a succession game I'd like to start. Understand that I won't be starting it until a couple of the others that I'm currently playing finish. I'd like to give this one my undivided attention.

    Some of the ground rules (and all of these are currently open for discussion and modification) are:

    1. 5 to 10 players. I think more towards 5 would be better but we might gravitate towards 10 if the interest is high enough.
    2. 3 to 5 turns per player per succession turn. This will make narratives a lot easier to do.
    3. When you finish your succession turn, you post that you are sending it on and send it to the next two players. When the next in line receives the game, you post that you have received the game.
    4. Once a "game sent" message is posted, you have 24 hours to respond with a "game received" message.
    5. Once a "game received" message is posted, you have 24 hours to play and send.
    6. 24 hours are measured by Apolyton post times.
    7. If the 24 hours is exceeded, the second in line takes over. He/she has 24 hours to post the "game received" message and then 24 hours to play and send.
    8. No hard feelings if you're skipped over on a turn. I fully expect that each of us might be in that boat on occassion. Stuff happens.
    9. Serious players only. Not 'skilled' but serious players. (See rules 4 thru 7 )
    10. When the thread for the game log is begun, the first entry will be a list of all players in the order in which they play and the email with which they will send/receive games. When a new page in the thread becomes necessary, the name/email list should be posted ASAP near the top of every new page.

    At first glance, the short number of moves might seem to mean that a game of this type would take longer. However, I think the 24-hour rules might make it last about the same as previous games.

    Well, what d'y'all think?

    Frodo lives!
    Frodo lives!

  • #2
    I think it sounds like FUN! Count me in.

    (I'm glad you specified serious rather than skilled players! )



    • #3
      Hurray! Conditions accepted. Count me in (as one of those serious, but not skilled players ). Several questions, though.

      Which version of the game are we going to use? I have MGE and ToT, but I think there are other versions too.

      How are we going to set up the game and who will set it up?

      I don't suppose you could send me a copy of rules.txt - I edited it a while back and forgot to save the original version.
      Rome rules


      • #4
        Roman, if I start the game, it'll be MGE. I noticed in another thread that you have that version. As for the rules.txt, if I could find them I'd send them to you. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, if anybody else send them, great.

        So we have so far,

        1. kcbob (
        2. John-SJ
        3. Roman

        I guess we might as well start the list. As for game set up, Deity and raging hordes. Size of the world is up for discussion. All else I would suggest be random.

        Frodo lives!
        [This message has been edited by kcbob (edited February 17, 2001).]
        [This message has been edited by kcbob (edited February 17, 2001).]
        Frodo lives!


        • #5
          I do have MGE indeed, so that's good. Yes, Deity, Raging Hordes and everything else random. I suggest a large map (120 times 75)
          Rome rules


          • #6

            Originally posted by kcbob on 02-17-2001 09:28 PM

            So we have so far,

            1. kcbob (
            2. John-SJ
            3. Roman

            I guess we might as well start the list. As for game set up, Deity and raging hordes. Size of the world is up for discussion. All else I would suggest be random.

            Count me in for this one. I'd like to see a few more turns for each player, especially in the early game.
            Large map?

            Roman: Rules.txt has been sent to your email.

            [This message has been edited by Thoth (edited February 18, 2001).]
            Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
            I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


            • #7
              You can count me on for this one, too. MGE is fine with me. Please keep the idea of the very short number of turns. Otherwise it could become an ordeal. Imagine 20 turns of ICS in 1900ad. 24 hours would not be enough.

              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


              • #8
                1. kcbob (
                2. John-SJ
                3. Roman (
                4. thoth
                5. Julius
                6. ScouseGits

                We are not authorized to edit your post.
                Rome rules


                • #9
                  1. kcbob (
                  2. John-SJ (
                  3. Roman (
                  4. thoth
                  5. Julius
                  6. ScouseGits


                  • #10
                    1. kcbob (
                    2. John-SJ (
                    3. Roman (
                    4. thoth
                    5. Julius (
                    6. ScouseGits
                    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 02-18-2001 03:56 PM
                      1. kcbob (
                      2. John-SJ (
                      3. Roman (
                      4. thoth (
                      5. Julius (
                      6. ScouseGits

                      Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                      I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 02-18-2001 10:14 AM
                        You can count me on for this one, too. MGE is fine with me. Please keep the idea of the very short number of turns. Otherwise it could become an ordeal. Imagine 20 turns of ICS in 1900ad. 24 hours would not be enough.

                        Agreed, 20 turns each in the late game is far too much. How about 10 turns each until we've got more than say, 10 or 15 cities. (with the SGs playing this likely means about 3000 bc )

                        Then we cut it to 5 turns each.
                        Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                        I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                        • #13
                          I volunteer

                          e-mail address:

                          If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                          A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                          Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                          • #14
                            1. kcbob (
                            2. John-SJ (
                            3. Roman (
                            4. thoth (
                            5. Julius (
                            6. ScouseGits
                            7. Ribannah (
                            Rome rules


                            • #15
                              Wow, this will be an interesting game. Ribannah's skill is legendary , while I am pretty much a beginner (eg. never played multiplayer, etc.). Will make for an interesting game. I predict a cyclical history for our civ.
                              As to the period of the cycle I don't think I need to comment.
                              Rome rules

