Yes, right! But only for AI.
Have you ever had (is this correct?)
a unit of yours bribed by a Legion or
a Elephant or some unit else than a
diplomat or spy?
In many of my (haunted) games, if I
leave my border units alone (w/o stack)
they´re bribed by non-diplo units.
Moments after, I chase the bribing
unit and I really don´t find any
diplomat or spy. Very "fair" AI move...
Have you ever had (is this correct?)

a unit of yours bribed by a Legion or
a Elephant or some unit else than a
diplomat or spy?
In many of my (haunted) games, if I
leave my border units alone (w/o stack)
they´re bribed by non-diplo units.

Moments after, I chase the bribing
unit and I really don´t find any
diplomat or spy. Very "fair" AI move...