I have standard map, deity/raging, playing as German in democrazy. I have mike's and bach's and most of my cities have temple + marketplace. I have studied industralism. I tried the WLTxD-growth and set the luxury rate very high (70 - 100%). And what happened? Only half of the citizens (rounded down) in town were happy! So in 3-sized city only the first was happy. Looking at happiness roster there were three red faces. I had 8+ luxuries which should have changed two of them happy:
2 lux --> 1. content
2 lux --> 1. happy
2 lux --> 2. content
2 lux --> 2. happy
And so on.. same happened to all my odd-sized cities. The even-sized cities had equal number of happy and content cities so they would celebrate but stop immediately after growing by one.
My capitol was the only exception, the luxuries made all the people happy that were supposed to. Has anyone experienced this before?
2 lux --> 1. content
2 lux --> 1. happy
2 lux --> 2. content
2 lux --> 2. happy
And so on.. same happened to all my odd-sized cities. The even-sized cities had equal number of happy and content cities so they would celebrate but stop immediately after growing by one.
My capitol was the only exception, the luxuries made all the people happy that were supposed to. Has anyone experienced this before?