My father pulled a good one way. I think I was in junior high (maybe younger, I'm 21 now, not sure exactly what year the original Civ came out) when we first got Civ. A few months later, one night my dad was sleeping and my mom was reading a book in bed next to him, when suddenly he shot up straight and yelled out "I have to save my people!"
Dad doesn't really play anymore, but I think my mom plays most every day. She has been playing Civ 2 since not too long after it came out, and she just recently decided she was ready for warlord finally (she crushes the computer at Chieftain, which is what she likes to do)
Dad doesn't really play anymore, but I think my mom plays most every day. She has been playing Civ 2 since not too long after it came out, and she just recently decided she was ready for warlord finally (she crushes the computer at Chieftain, which is what she likes to do)
