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Helicoptors and hit points

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  • Helicoptors and hit points

    Can someone remind me how to stop helicoptors and other air units from losing hit points when they fly around?

  • #2
    As far as I know its normal that helis loose strentgh when flying around. This should prevent you from using them as air units with unlimited range...



    • #3
      gregzilla go into the rules .txt and change helicopters special abilities. I think its only a matter of removing a 1 from the columm and changing it to a zero and then typing in whatever special abilities you need for your extra unit.


      • #4
        he's talking about the domain 3 unit...


        • #5
          ...and they won't be helicopters anymore because Domain 3 units can't capture cities.

          "The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on" - anon

          "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed" - President Eisenhower

          "Treaties are like roses and pretty girls: they last while they last." - Charles de Gaulle
          "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


          • #6

            Originally posted by Andz83 on 11-24-2000 01:20 PM
            he's talking about the domain 3 unit...

            Domain ONE is air, ROLE is 3!
            But MOVING
            at 0 weaks it inflight,:d
            at 1 citybound/airportfield,
            at 2 next-hurry-up-turn-come-back to homebase!
            No such thing as a flag for choppers.

            Correct me if i'm wrong.


            • #7
              Yes, but one time in this forum someone told me how to enter something in the Rules.txt file so I could create this "Superunit". I want to create a dragon or similar unit that doesn't have to refuel!!


              • #8
                okay: you're wrong.

                Check out to find out why.
                "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Andrew Livings on 11-25-2000 07:31 AM
                  okay: you're wrong.

                  Hey... Andrew, I knew about domain 3 units!
                  He meant refueling capacity!
                  I'm wrong, then... ground-sea-air-"?"/AGAINST/Roles.
                  Confusing, isn't it? Correct me if i'm right.
                  "Squad-patrol to Homebase... Reply... zzzoooommmmmm....*#!@!//%&"
                  I think we've lost an helico, boys; because he CHANGED it's move-flag >FROM the original< "0" value.
                  But you were also right.


                  • #10
                    What we're talking about here is the range value. Air units with a range of 0 are helicopters. If you want to create a dragon assign it a range of 99 (I thinke that's the max value allowed). It will eventually have to land, but it will probably become a casualty before that happens. Only range zero units lose the hitpoints.

                    "There is no tiddle-taddle nor pibble-pabble in Pompey's camp."
                    "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


                    • #11
                      Just look at the original helicopter and mess with it that way, except for the range which will make it a non-helicopter.

                      What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?

                      Contact me at


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Gothmog on 11-26-2000 09:16 AM
                        What we're talking about here is the range value. Air units with a range of 0 are helicopters. If you want to create a dragon assign it a range of 99 (I thinke that's the max value allowed). It will eventually have to land, but it will probably become a casualty before that happens. Only range zero units lose the hitpoints.

                        Range ( )?
                        Wrong the HELICOPTER has 6. (This is 6 plus a point".")
                        MOVING it is either 1,2 or Zero
                        Case closed; LOOK IT UP, that's what is written, typed and saved within the "RULES.TXT" originally created by Microprose in their file.
                        "BlueThunder to HQ... we're running out of fuel, respond.... *%#@$^^%!"
                        MOVING back to base, even if i am out of range.

                        [This message has been edited by zyxpsilon (edited December 01, 2000).]


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by HsFB on 12-01-2000 12:41 PM
                          read better:

                          RANGE is the amount of turns it can stay airborne before having to return to a friendly city or airbase.

                          units (air) with range 2 are the regular bombers, range 1 are the fighters, and range 0 are the helicopters (which lose health each time they do not land on a FCOAB...)

                          MOVEMENT is a different thing.

                          Alright, keep going then guys!
                          I know the difference between RNG and MOVE, interpretation of the terms can be, sometimes confusing...
                          but what i wrote is that >> the original RULES.TXT << has the header mention " reversed "... that's all i meant by it.
                          Must be a -bad- copy of MGE i own.


                          • #14
                            read better:

                            RANGE is the amount of turns it can stay airborne before having to return to a friendly city or airbase.

                            units (air) with range 2 are the regular bombers, range 1 are the fighters, and range 0 are the helicopters (which lose health each time they do not land on a FCOAB...)

                            MOVEMENT is a different thing.
                            Indifference is Bliss

