I only play SP against the AI. So,
I treat the different civs the way they treat me.
Hostile Aggressive civs are treated with hostility, deceit, and - hopefully - total annilation and assimilation. I have no problem setting up Peace Treaties with these hostile to gain an advantage the attempt to crush them. My reputation be damned! I'm ridding the world of a menace.
Peaceful nations are allowed to live in peace with me. If I'm playing bloodlust I find it hard to wipe out a 4,000 year old ally. I usually retire at that point.
I hate peace treaties. I'd rather have a cease fire or war if I can't get a civ to agree to an alliance.
I don't attack when an ally requests it. I might say yes but rarely do. The AI never really helps me attack.
I never give away the gunpowder tech or other weapon related techs. Even peaceful allies can't be trusted with this too early. The AI tends to give it away to others too easily.
I treat the different civs the way they treat me.
Hostile Aggressive civs are treated with hostility, deceit, and - hopefully - total annilation and assimilation. I have no problem setting up Peace Treaties with these hostile to gain an advantage the attempt to crush them. My reputation be damned! I'm ridding the world of a menace.
Peaceful nations are allowed to live in peace with me. If I'm playing bloodlust I find it hard to wipe out a 4,000 year old ally. I usually retire at that point.
I hate peace treaties. I'd rather have a cease fire or war if I can't get a civ to agree to an alliance.
I don't attack when an ally requests it. I might say yes but rarely do. The AI never really helps me attack.
I never give away the gunpowder tech or other weapon related techs. Even peaceful allies can't be trusted with this too early. The AI tends to give it away to others too easily.