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  • Theories???

    Why is MGE ai so hostile?What is your programming or other theory?

    I like the being able to set attitudes manually in mp theory.Or the hotjoin option causes it.

    Any ideas?Perhaps it could be fixed...
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

  • #2
    I imagine it was programmed as such. Probably the designers' - misguided - idea of making the AI tougher opposition. It gives me the irrits, personally.

    Founder, ACS Pedantry Institute
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    " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
    "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


    • #3
      My guess would be that it was a simple tweak in the diplomacy algorthym, with the thinking being, if there are multiple humans in the game, they didn't want one player (whoever was supreme) to get too much advantage. If the ai is always at war with any humans, no one gets too much of an advantage.

      Of course this is a total swag.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I also think that the programmers thought people just played the game to fight wars not also be peaceful and happy sometimes.

        "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
        "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
        "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


        • #5
          I don't think they would have spent all that time writing code for in depth diplomacy vs civ1 for nothing.

          Now Rah's theory is more plausible.I don't think FW or CiC is doing it so that leaves Multiplayer.There has to be some wrong numbers in the .exe

          Who wants to look thru it?
          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


          • #6
            My theory is that it was programmed to make it hate you at the end of every turn. I once had germany loving me they gave me tech and money, then once I kit turn they declared war.

            I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow
            I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


            • #7
              I remember seeing somewhere about a table that set attributes for the various AI tribes. I think they were supposed to encompass aggression, expansionism, diplomacy, and scientific research. Each AI civ was supposed to have a couple of these set as its main characteristics. But from what I can tell, just about everyone except for America must have the aggression flag set.

              Frodo lives!

              Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
              Frodo lives!


              • #8

                Originally posted by rah on 10-15-2000 02:35 AM
                Of course this is a total swag.



                • #9
                  OK, here's a new one. I just played an MP game with AIs in it. I had a peace treaty with the AI Chinese, and they went from Uncooperative to Receptive in one turn. During that same turn, they dropped a city down beside one of my units; then, still during their turn, made three straight demands for me to withdraw my troops (the demands just kind of popped up on the screen, then disappeared with no action from me). Then they sneak attacked.

                  So maybe the AIs are asking you to do stuff, not giving you a chance to respond, then getting mad when you don't do what they asked.


                  • #10
                    Hmmmm...thats interesting.If thats the problem it would be a major flaw that should stand out like a sore thumb.Or not

                    I think I should learn how to hack the exe
                    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                    • #11
                      I was sooooo happy when I finally discovered ONE copy of CIV 2 Multiplayer in a dusty self of a forgotten small shop in a shady street I could jump for joy

                      (I was searching for any CIV 2 for some time)

                      Then I realized all that was going on with the AI

                      Whatever the reason for the AI being so suicidal and aggresive they shouldn't have written on the back of the box : CIV 2 PLUS MULTIPLAYER. It's a damn bloody affair PLUS Multiplayer

                      I'll sue

