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Evil, Evil AI ...

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  • rah
    Some things seem to be different when scenerios are used. We'll see what you find in a normal game.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by La Fayette
    Believe me, it does
    I remember trying to let partisans alive in the ww79 scenario. Poor guys, the AI nuked them mercilessly
    Huh. Well, I'll experiment a bit more then and see what happens. I hope my hypothesis holds water, though, 'cause it'd be an el cheapo way to keep cities from getting hammered by nukes. We shall have to see how forward-looking the Civ II programmers were back in the mid-1990s.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits

    Why wait that long? Just think of a vet Elephant as an early form of howitzer.


    Hmm ... well, maybe I can put the howie sound file in place of the elephant one to at least keep up part of the illusion.

    "FIRE!" **thump, thump**

    "What's this? Howies that produce dung?!"


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by Straybow
    GateKeeper, what change in rules.txt spurs the AI to make heavy use of Cruise Missiles against land targets? Change them from 0 (Attack) to 1 (defend)?
    I just dropped the cost of the missiles from 50 or 60 shields to 40 shields. After that, the AI stopped storing the missiles and began using them on my port cities, armored divisions, shock troops (custom unit) and spies, in addition to the usual targeting of ships.

    Before I made the change, it was not unusual for the AI to store six to 10 missiles in each of its cities for exclusive use against naval targets. Now it uses them almost right away and never stores more than two missiles per city (fewer missiles stored because it's actually using them).


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  • Scouse Gits
    Originally posted by Gatekeeper
    I'm almost set in stone when it comes to playing style: Unless I have an aggressive nearby AI civilization, I tend to focus on building up my own cities in the Stone and Medieval ages in preparation for starship building and offensive military operations in the Industrial and Modern eras.
    Why wait that long? Just think of a vet Elephant as an early form of howitzer.



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  • Straybow
    LaFayette, I would think MGE would be more aggressive than 2.42 with nukes, and the ww79 scen has the war flag set.

    GateKeeper, what change in rules.txt spurs the AI to make heavy use of Cruise Missiles against land targets? Change them from 0 (Attack) to 1 (defend)?

    At least it isn't SMAC, where the nuke creates a 3-tile-radius crater!

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  • La Fayette
    Originally posted by Gatekeeper
    From what I can tell, the AI will *not* sacrifice its own troops to nuke a city.

    Believe me, it does
    I remember trying to let partisans alive in the ww79 scenario. Poor guys, the AI nuked them mercilessly

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  • rah
    Or the more simplistic approach. Take out the entire civ in one turn. That used to work best with me, And the first AI that complained got it next.

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  • Gatekeeper

    Maybe this is old news, but I think I found a way to keep the AI from hitting one of its immediate former cities with nuclear weapons: Namely, when you take the city, make sure to let one or two AI partisan units that pop up right next to the city survive, instead of destroying them all. From what I can tell, the AI will *not* sacrifice its own troops to nuke a city.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by Elephant
    Protect the howitzers: if you cannot move them, stack a few good defensive units with them, or better yet rush-build a fort where they stand. Keep some pre-charged Engineers around; with enough of them you can make a fort and a forest in the same turn, greatly increasing defensive strength.
    Heh. I've reprogrammed my RULES.TXT file so that the AI now targets land divisions with cruise missiles more liberally than it ever did in the past. A lot of the time now, I just try to stack my howitzers in fortresses, because if I put, say, an armor division (or two or three) with them, the AI fires cruise missiles at the stack. Same holds true if I stack shock troops (custom unit) or spies with the howies — guaranteed AI target for cruise missiles.

    I do make use of multiple engineers and insta-forts, but have yet to create forests.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by geofelt
    If you have the rest of the world, you should have the gold to rush build SDI. Buy a temple or barracks as the first thing when you capture a city, then rush SDI. If you wait, you have to wait for unrest to subside. Most of the time, you will avoid a nuke.
    Actually, that's the first thing I do when taking an AI city: If it doesn't have an SDI Defense, I automatically spend 800 gold to buy it. Unfortunately, the AI has a nasty habit of nuking said city just before my next turn. So, providing the city isn't occupied, I get the SDI Defense, but the dang city is half the size it once was!

    Howitzers have two movement points; fire them once, then move them to safety if you fear counterattack.
    I do this more often than not, but sometimes terrain keeps me from being able to spread them out or stack 'em in fortresses. That and sometimes I'm just keen on taking the AI city and keep pounding at it, even with troops that aren't up to full strength or full movement points. So I'm my own worst tactician sometimes.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by rah
    Yeah, the trick is to keep them in the stone age.

    OR USE the standard bait for the AI.
    A battleship covered by a few vet aegis cruisers will attract AI cruise missiles.
    An SDI less city covered by SDI in a city next to it will attrack nucks.
    And forward armor and howies on mountains will attract air fire.

    Just sit back and watch the AI waste all it's resources.

    I do all of that, but when I attack, I attack massively and it's hard to cover all my troops in that manner. So when I complain about losing six to 10 divisions in an AI attack, I usually have another 30 to 70 divisions nearby. Just to put a little perspective on my losses.

    One thing about the AI in the Mac version: It automatically fires cruise missiles at transports, even if they're shielded by battleships and AEGIS cruisers. Even if I try to use "decoy" convoys, the darn thing "knows" which convoys have transports w/i them, and attacks accordingly. Most of the time the convoys survive, but one time I had three AEGIS cruisers stacked over two fully-loaded transports, and the entire convoy (with its battleship) was blown out of the water by, oh, 60 or so Zulu cruise missiles.


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  • Gatekeeper
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Try early game trading so your advances come faster. If you have to worry about the Nuclear Age you are not concentrating enough of your efforts during the Stone Age


    I'm almost set in stone when it comes to playing style: Unless I have an aggressive nearby AI civilization, I tend to focus on building up my own cities in the Stone and Medieval ages in preparation for starship building and offensive military operations in the Industrial and Modern eras.

    I do try to mix things up now and then, but early warfare takes quite a bit of time. It's exhilarating to use AI rail networks to wipe out the heart of an AI civ in a single turn, and this is usually possible by the Industrial Age.


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  • rah
    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
    All you really need for this trick is a BB (the bait), one AEGIS (the anti-fighter defense) and a bomber (the cruise missile blocker). The missiles will fly out to your BB and then 'hang' in the air around it, since they can't attack due to the stacked bomber. When your turn arrives, you can destroy all the stacked 'hanging' missiles with the BB and AEGIS.
    We were playing for records and bomber stacking wasn't allowed. But yes that will work too.

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  • Elephant
    Protect the howitzers: if you cannot move them, stack a few good defensive units with them, or better yet rush-build a fort where they stand. Keep some pre-charged Engineers around; with enough of them you can make a fort and a forest in the same turn, greatly increasing defensive strength.

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