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J.S.Bach's Cathedral

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  • #16

    now I'm really confused! does JSB really increase the Cathedral's effect in Civ2? I thought it didn't, therefor my (perhaps rude) reply...

    and no, it wasn't meant to be a rude or harsh or whatever reply... I just didn't know that... well... JSB increses the Cathedral's effect... and I'm still not so sure about it...


    • #17

      Originally posted by Caligastia on 09-11-2000 09:27 AM
      I was excited to see so many replies to my post,
      but nobody really answered my question.
      Am I the only one who realised that JSB has a
      different effect in civ2 as opposed to civ1?
      JSB used to be my favorite wonder in civ1 but
      in civ2 Michaelangelo's Chapel is my new fave
      Can someone back me up on this...?

      NO IT DOESN'T!

      JSB Reduces unhappy people by 2 in every city in your civ regardless of what continent they are on. It has nothing to do with cathedrals at all

      MC acts as a cathedral in every city in your civ regardless of what continent they are on.
      Having a cathedral in that city as well does not increase the happiness bonus at all and is a stupid thing to do, sell the cathedral.


      • #18
        I think Caligastia is confusing cause and effect here. In one sence, it does, since JSB needs theology (increases cathedrals from 3 to 4) and makes 2 additional unhappy people content. The overall effect of Theology + JSB (without communism) is to double cathedrals from making 6 unhappies content vs 3 if you already have a cathedral.

        But since you don't need cathedrals for JSB to work, and theology increases cathedrals by 1 even without JSB, everyone else seems to be rather lost as to what was asked...

        So, no JSB doesn't double cathedrals, but if you build JSB very shortly after getting its needed tech, it can appear that way.

        April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

        SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

        *goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
        Insert witty phrase here


        • #19

          Originally posted by Caligastia on 09-12-2000 12:03 PM
          Well, I dont have the manual but when I go into the
          Civilopedia and look up JSB it says:
          Effects oubles the effect of Cathedrals in all cities.

          Maybe my version is screwed up or my civilopedia is

          Panic ye not. What version are you on? I suspect the original - I have just checked FW and it definately says:
          "Decreases unhappy citizens on same continent by 2 per city"
          and even this is wrong as noted earlier!
          The point I am making is that both the manual and early versions of the civilopedia aren't exactly 100%, if you see what I mean.


          • #20
            i just checked my Civ II version 1.07 as well as my copy of Civ I. Both only say that JSB decreases unhappy people on the continent by 2 per city.

            Incedentally, if you want to fix it, you could always go into the pedia.txt and change what is written. Might want to make a backup copy in case you delete an @; or something For that matter, you could go and fix all the civilopedia errors that way if you wanted to Or for the ambitious (or really bored), you could change any text string that is printed out in the appropriate .txt file... (i'm sure someone has probably discussed something like that in one of the other forums (maybe creation), but haven't seen anything like that in strategy)
            Insert witty phrase here


            • #21
              Well, I dont have the manual but when I go into the
              Civilopedia and look up JSB it says:
              Effects oubles the effect of Cathedrals in all cities.

              Maybe my version is screwed up or my civilopedia is

              ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
              ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


              • #22
                Just to expand on what Dave V said, JSB is unique in that it is the only wonder that can undo some of the effects of military unhappiness: one unit in Democracy w/o Police Station, two in Republic or two in Democracy with Police Station.

                An interesting side effect of this is if you have JSB, no size 1 or 2 city under Rep or Dem can EVER go into disorder. If you build a city on an iron mountain and develop a mined hill, forest or peat square, rush the factory and a power plant, you can support around 16 units and all can be "in the field" or Bombers/missiles/Helicopters - all with no unhappiness.


                • #23
                  Can I be really fussy and point out that S's Theatre is a wonder that reduces military unhappiness? Not across the whole empire I'll grant you, but if Apolyton is not a home for pedants I don't know where is.


                  • #24
                    I think I got confused somewhere along the way
                    because I check my civilopedia and it says
                    -Decreases unhappy citizens by 2 per city-
                    Durrrrr sorry, I dont know why I was fixated on
                    I have only been playing Civ2 for a few months,
                    but I played Civ1 for years, so I guess all those
                    new wonders confused me...
                    ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                    ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                    • #25
                      That's why i often combine S's with KRC!
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Caligastia on 09-13-2000 01:09 PM
                        ... so I guess all those
                        new wonders confused me...

                        No worries. When I first got Civ2 (4 years ago!! can you believe it!!) it took me ages to realise that Mikes was a really good wonder and not a pantingly sh*te waste of space/time/effort/energy/money it was in Civ1.


                        • #27
                          How i loved wonders (and buildings, for that matter) moving around on the city view on civ 1!
                          Indifference is Bliss


                          • #28
                            Just to throw fuel on the fire :

                            BTW, is there an easier way (other than the UBB link to my home space) to paste a graphic in a post? I assume not, else we would see more graphics!

                            Oh, for postarity, if the link is ever broken, it used to be a clipping of the JSB from the Civilopedia from the Civ2-Mac MPG version.

                            "And now for something completely different..."
                            - John Cleese
                            [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited September 17, 2000).]
                            "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

                            Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


                            • #29
                              I adore you, MacUser! you're sooo good!

                              I don't think there's an easier way for posting images


                              • #30
                                Ah, an adoring public! It's what I live for!

                                "And now for something completely different..."
                                - John Cleese
                                "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

                                Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!

